Vernon (VI)

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for eternalnamjoon 


"Vernon, I think you're being a little over-dramatic here."

. . .

Pregnancy was terrifying, in all honesty there was little else that could cause you to lose all decorum and reduce you to a confused mess. There was something strange and mysterious about the entire thing, the fact that there was a little bean that you and the love of your life had created together was mind baffling.

And then that got you thinking about parenting, and all the other problems that came with having an actual child. But then again, beyond all the uncertainty there was a pervading feeling of wonder and joy. You flattened your palm against your midsection, knowing it was much too early to even feel the slightest inkling of life, but it made you happy all the same.

You and Vernon have been married for three years and with both of you in stable jobs, you felt like it was a good time to start thinking about children. While the two of you had stayed up some nights at the dinner table or lying in bed together thinking about what a family would be like, it's never felt as real as now.

Now to break the news.

. . .

You thought about easing it in, you really did. That was the plan, discreetly mention the conversations that the two of you had been having and gently hinting at the idea that the family the both of you dreamt of was now closer to reality.

But "I'm pregnant." Was smacked into Vernon's unsuspecting face when the door opened in front of him. His pretty brown eyes blinked slightly, utter confusion marring his usually handsome face as he replied, "Huh?"

You crossed your arms in front of your chest defensively, taking the lack of response as negative, "I'm pregnant. You know, bun in the oven, with child, knocked up."

"I think I'm about to have a heart attack," Vernon moaned slightly, the initial shock wearing off slightly, allowing him to start processing what exactly was going on.

Dragging him into the house by the collar of his dress shirt and tossing him onto the couch, you grumble, "Vernon, I think you're being a little over dramatic here." Your lips turned downwards, "After all the bun is in my oven not yours."

"Um, congratulations?"

"Oh my God." Your anger nearly explodes out of your very being, "Are you being serious right now? That is what you say to a strangerwho mentions, 'Oh, I happen to be pregnant, kind sir.' Or perhaps an annoying co-worker who proudly declares, 'I'm going to be a father!'. Not from the sire of this fetus in my womb! Who do you even think put them there, I sure as hell didn't will them into existence, some tears of joy would be nice considering I will be bearing fruit, your fruit might I add, for the next few months."

Vernon stands and in the next second has gathered you into his embrace, you can hear the smile in his voice as he whispers into your ear, "You mean our fruit, my love?"

That's really all he has to say for you to melt into his arms, unfolding your arms from your chest and wrapping them around his torso with a soft sigh of contentment.

"I'm sorry if I seemed a little apathetic there," he chuckles, "You kinda just dumped that on me."

You bury your face into his warm chest as you mumble, slightly flushed, "I didn't mean to, I was little excited."

"You think I'm not?" Vernon leans away so he can press his forehead against yours, eyes gazing into yours with his soul clearly on display, "I'm so happy I don't even know what to do, I want to pick you up and swing you around in circles and yell at everyone I know that I'm going to be a parent with the best human being in the universe. I also am so confused—"

At this you peck his lips lightly with an impish smile on your face, "I know, I felt all of those things roughly thirty minutes before this conversation. I'm a little overwhelmed, but I'm so happy, so happy."

"Not as happy as I am," your husband smirks as he brushes ticklish kisses all over your face, "You're the best thing to ever happen to me, and I have no doubt this is only going to make you the even bestestthing."

"You know you're a dork, right?" You laugh giddily, heart beating loudly in your chest as all of your emotions fade until there is only one left. Love, love for Vernon and for the little bean that brushed whatever uncertainties away.

He smiles indulgently at your happy countenance, "Yeah, a dork who's going to be the best father, of course."

. . .

You're a little further along your pregnancy and the cravings have begun, which are a giant pain in your already achy body. While they were not terribly bad, tonight you had to have Peking Roasted Duck, there was no telling the bean that it was difficult to get, they had to have it.

It was too bad that Vernon knew that something was up as soon as he saw the expression on your face, his hands found themselves interlocked with yours, "Honey, what's the matter?"

"I really want to have Peking Roasted Duck, I really want it," your face was the definition of watery sadness as your lips wobbled a little as if you were going to burst into tears, "But I know it's hard to get at this time of day. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry," he admonishes gently, "Never feel sorry for something like this, it just means that the little one is hungry and wants to grow, I don't want you to feel bad about something like this." Taking your face into his hands he gently brushes his thumbs on your cheeks before leaning down and placing a kiss on your nose.

"You're too good to me," you sniffle, as your stomach growls quite loudly in the silence that follows. "But the little bean really wants duck now, so if it isn't too much trouble?"

"It is my honor as your dork to go procure some delicious roasted poultry," and in less than five minutes he was out of the house and on the hunt for duck.

. . .

"Ugh, I feel like a ballooned-out slug," you groaned, abdomen now clearly showing the current state of your being, "I don't want to move."

"You are no slug," Vernon rejects vehemently, a seriousness to his features that almost fools you, "You are a just a balloon."

He gets a slipper thrown at his face, which you think was well deserved, "I'm sorry, did I ask to be a balloon? Let's not forget how exactly this entire situation came to be."

At these words, he drops all traces of mischievousness and picks you up before depositing you onto his lap, "I find you to be a beautiful balloon, the balloon that I had been waiting for my whole entire life and one that I won't be letting go of."

"I still feel gross." You mumble dejectedly. But it goes away as Vernon cradles you close and murmurs the sweetest things to you.

. . .

a/n hi. i'm back after a month and a half of hell. pure hell. have a fluffy oneshot about pregnancy. idek i probably portrayed it very wrongly, since i haven't been pregnant before lol.   

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