Jun (II)

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You hiked your backpack a little higher onto your shoulder as you glanced at your timetable for your semester. You hummed while considering your options, it was either a heavy first semester or struggling to switch classes for a more balanced year.

As you made your way into the science hall you began searching for the classroom that was stated as your homeroom. As you were searching for your class, you didn't realize that someone had stopped in his tracks at the sight of you.

Jun wasn't sure exactly why you made him start; why couldn't he seem to move a muscle when he took you in for the first time? Was it fascination, attraction, or maybe even love? He wasn't sure, but he knew for a fact that you would be important.

He himself had been searching for his class when he spotted you, normally people would simply flash by as he walked in the halls or even in his classes. He didn't find it necessary to even attempt getting to know his classmates, he had friends so why bother?

You were something else entirely. It wasn't as if you were dressed flashily or completely put together, in fact, it was clear you opted for a functionality and comfort over anything else. But you seemed so effortlessly comfortable in your skin, and there just seemed to be this glow about you, as if all the light that was streaming through the windows were attracted to your being.

He drifted closer and closer, wanting to get a better look at your face. It seemed that everything had melted away leaving just you.


You were forcefully jolted out of your search when you ran right into...a boy? When you saw his face though, your heart stopped. Your annoyance, or what little you had, melted away like butter on a hot frying pan. You wondered if it was fair how he looked, with beautiful and clear skin paired with a pair of wide and expressive eyes along with impossibly soft looking hair.

Jun was appalled with himself, not only had he bumped into who just may be the girl of his dreams but was too busy staring gobsmacked at her face that somehow was even more breathtaking up close.

When he saw you crouch down to pick up the papers you had dropped due to the collision, he shook himself out of this trance (induced by you) to help. When he did so, he couldn't stop himself from stealing another glance only to see, to his surprise, you doing the same. You turned away abruptly, a charming and pink blush making an appearance on your cheeks. Jun smiled, wondering if you knew what a vision you made in that moment.

After the two of you had picked up the papers, you said shyly, "I'm really sorry about bumping into you like that. I was looking for my class and wasn't watching where I was going."

"To be fair, I wasn't paying too much attention either." Jun replied, trying to get a glimpse of what your schedule is. His attempts weren't exactly subtle, but you were too distracted by the flutter of wings were flying about your stomach.

You shrugged offhandedly, "Let bygones be bygones. I've never seen you around before, are you new here?"

Jun was startled. "I wanted to ask you the same thing, but I think I can connect the dots. How come I've never seen you around?"

"We probably just don't run in the same circles." You looked him up and down, eyes lingering on his school dance team sweater (definitely not on his nice-looking shoulders), before replying with a teasing grin, "Let me guess, library assistant?"

His response was a pair of rolling eyes. "Not really. Dance team."

"Huh, who would've guessed?" Your answer was equally as sarcastic as his eye roll.

Jun laughed softly, reveling in this conversation that shouldn't be flowing so smoothly but somehow was. "And you must be a band nerd."

"Yeah, a band nerd that could judo flip you." You smirked, watching in amusement at his exaggerated shock.

"Well then, I better be on my best behaviour with you; I'd rather not get thrown into the ground." His eyes were filled with mirth.

"But Mr. Dance Team, what excuses do you have for your earlier actions?" You couldn't help but to continue with the lighthearted banter, why was it so easy?

Jun's next words were coy, "Can you blame a guy for being so dazed by your radiance that he was totally unaware that he was going to bump into you until it was too late."

A rosy flush appeared on your cheeks. "You're a smooth talker," a confused expression marred your originally bright one when you continued, "I don't even know your name yet, do I?"

However just as he opened his mouth to answer, the warning bell rang. You realized that you had not found your class yet, and if you didn't leave right this moment, it was highly likely you were going to be late.

Jun took in your adorably unwilling demeanor before saying, "Don't fret your pretty head about that."

He leaned in close so his lips were nearly brushing your cheek. "You'll know my name sooner or later since I have a feeling we've got chemistry together." He pulled back quickly when he finished speaking and turned to leave, not before sending you a little wink.

You were completely dazed as you watched his figure disappear into the sea of people.

Who was that?

. . .

It was your last period of the first day; you double checked the room number before walking in.

When you stepped through the doorway, your eyes were inexplicably drawn to a tall figure who was seated randomly in a desk in the middle of the room, the seat beside him was conveniently taken by his bag. He looked up as soon as your gaze was upon him and your heartrate sped up as a result. He waved you over to the seat beside him.

You walked closer towards him placing your papers on the desk and your bag onto the floor; you sat down, feeling slightly apprehensive, onto the seat he had saved for you.

His eyes still retained the same sparkle that captured you just like it did this morning. "What did I say?" He tapped his pointer finger lightly onto your schedule, "I had a feeling we had chemistry together."

You glanced down to see that, as a matter of fact, your last period class was chemistry.

The boy grinned. "Nice to meet you, my name's Jun."

a/n hello once more. the new batch is taking a while; when this gets caught up updates may be slower. idk what else to say. au revoir.  

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