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Seokmin wondered why you were here.

. . .

It was after school, every single day. The cafeteria would be open to all students who wanted to hang out with their friends. There would be two TVs out each with a video game for people to enjoy while some staff would attempt to run some activities. (But most kids just did their own thing).

The sessions had just begun and Seokmin had dragged some of his fellow friends along with him, Hoshi had an excited bounce whereas Mingyu was decidedly unexcited and fiddling with his phone. The three of them sat themselves down in front of the PlayStation and began to search for a game to play when a girl walked into the cafeteria.

Seokmin sucked in a breath. It was her.

He didn't really know you all that well, but you had been in his English class in ninth grade and he had found himself crushing on the girl who could convey more through her words and voice than others could using pictures, videos, and actions. You had a certain way of speaking, and while you weren't a person of many words, when you spoke, people stopped to listen.

He knew he was the opposite, but as a chatterbox, he found himself so fascinated with your gift and you.



Seeing that Seokmin wasn't going to respond, Hoshi turned his head to see what exactly caused the usually noisy boy to shut up for once. And when he realized what it was, he 'discreetly' elbowed Mingyu.

The taller boy grunted, annoyed that his streak was broken, "What?"

"Our little beagle has his eyes on someone." Hoshi had a catty expression in his eyes, completely sly, which did not bode well for Seokmin at all.

But Mingyu was now intrigued and sat up a little straighter, he couldn't help but to be curious. "Who?"

"Her." Hoshi tilted his head in your direction. You happened to be getting some items out of your bag, a wad of paper and several pencils.

"He likes her?" Mingyu's voice took on a disbelieving tone, "That's his type?"

"What do you mean?" Hoshi questioned, finding Mingyu's reaction strange.

"She's, you know, the quiet girl, doesn't like to joke around or anything," Mingyu shrugged, "You'd think that Seokmin wouldn't be into those types but, I guess you never know."

"Oh really?" Hoshi waggled his eyebrows, "So you could say that our baby Dokyeummie needs some awesome wingmen to help him out."

"Stop it."

Hoshi sidled up closer to the annoyed male, "You know you want to."

"Want to what? Mess around with Seokmin's pathetic love life? I have better things to do."

The shorter boy smiled expectantly, "Do you now? Just imagine everything we could do."

Suddenly a glint appeared in Mingyu's eyes as he put his phone into his back pocket, "Well, now that I think about it, I can't think of a better thing to spend my time doing."

"You just want to get back at him for that time he refused to send you materials in Farmville™, don't you?"

"Oh, shut up."

. . . 

The next day Seokmin eagerly dragged his friends once again to the cafeteria, this time however, Mingyu was strangely gung-ho about the excursion. But the lovesick puppy couldn't think of anything except you; he wondered if you were going to be there again.

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