Seungkwan (VI)

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"It's not my fault you blend into the snow so well."

. . .

As you haul your stuff from your conservative little car, your nose breathes in the crisp, winter air. The newly fallen snow crunches softly underneath your feet as you make your way to the little cottage you had rented with your friends. The small building was as you expected, with the rooftop blanketed by white with washed out blue walls.

"Hey!" Jeongyeon called excitedly, dark eyes sparkling with energy as she jumped out of the car that pulled up beside you, "Thank God that ride is over, I couldn't stand him for another moment longer."

The car's engine cuts as a figure leisurely exits the vehicle, and you hear the ire in Jimin's voice as he grumbles, "Yeah, no thank you from the person that went out of their way to drive you here."

You chuckled at their antics, "I'll thank you in her stead, or rather, you should be thankful that she's here so that I won't annoy you for the entire week."

The gray-haired dancer scoffs as he pops open the trunk, "I'd take that over having to spend two hours in a car with her." He rummages about before grabbing his bags and shutting and locking the car.

"My stuff is still in there," Jeongyeon yells before chasing after Jimin who was casually sauntering towards the cottage, "Get back here!"

Sighing at the inevitable hissy fight that was going to take place, you unlock your phone to send a text to Taemin, you better make like Sonic and get here quickly, those two are going to kill each other.

. . .

After making plans to go onto the slopes, the four of you head out with all your gear and bundled up firmly to combat the cold. Dressed in your winter jacket and snow pants, you feel like you uncannily resemble the Michelin man. As you lace up your snowboarding boots, you glance at Jeongyeon who was doing the same.

"Where do you want to go first?" She nudges your shoulder, before making a face, "They're going to the double black diamond runs and I don't happen to want a broken tailbone."

You laugh, "Well in all these years, I've yet to see them have an actual fall. But we can't all be blessed with a superior sense of balance. Can we do a longer run?"

"Sounds good to me," and after her tacit approval, the two of you head out. Feeling a little rusty after several months of no snowboarding, you feel a little apprehensive. The two of you decide on an easier run and head up on the lift, a tremor of anticipation fills your stomach as the two of you near the top.

After strapping your free foot onto the board, you look to your side to see that Jeongyeon was already done and raring to go. Sending her a thumbs up, the two of you head off. This particular run was quite popular, so there was no shortage of people sharing the hill. Once in a while, you'd even see a kid or two making their way down.

Tilting your body to control your speed, you feel the same rush of adrenaline as you always did, and you can't help but let out a happy whoop. Hearing Jeongyeon call you, you angle your head towards her.

And that was when things went wrong.

You had thought your path was clear, but it wasn't. Just as you turned your line of sight back to the front, you realize that there was somebody in front of you dressed completely in white. Frantically whipping your board so that it was horizontal, you send a giant plume of snow right onto the unsuspecting skier. Feeling the hit of snow, he turns around in confusion.

But the sudden stop didn't help your lack of balance and you slammed right into him.

"Ooomph." And the two of you tumbled into the snow.

. . .

"I am so sorry," you mumble awkwardly as you try to untangle the situation the best you can, the fact that your two legs are still stuck onto your board doesn't exactly, help. After getting off of him, you apologize again in a daze before getting ready to leave.

Just as you're about to go, he pulls your jacket, stopping you. "Where are you going?"

You look at him in confusion, "Getting to the bottom of the mountain, where else?"

"Nope," he shook his head, voice a little snarky and annoyed, "You're going to help me look for my ski since you know, you're the one who crashed into me."

And that's when you realized the fellow had only one ski left.

Disliking the way he was speaking, you furrow your eyebrows, "You can ask you know, there's no need for that kind of attitude."

He frowns as he takes off his ski goggles, "Well I'm not the one that rammed into somebody," and you are almost too distracted by his attractiveness to formulate a response.

"It's not my fault you blend into the snow so well," you grumble while avoiding looking directly at him, "What kind of person wears all white when they go skiing?"

"Me. Is it a crime?" the brown-haired male countered, round cheeks red due to the cold.

Appalled by his response, you snap, "Well maybe if you hadn't this wouldn't have happened."

"Well maybe if you had eyes, this wouldn't have happened."

At this, you take off your own goggles and glare at him, "Well maybe if you hadn't said that, I would've helped you look for your ski." And in a fit of anger, you leave and snowboard the rest of the way down.

It wasn't until you got to the bottom that you realized that he would have to hike all the way down and feeling a twinge of regret you head back up the slope to find him, but after going down the entire run, he was nowhere to be found.

. . .

The next day, you decide to head out early to the slopes to see if you could find him again and apologize for what happened yesterday. Wrapped in your favourite scarf, you are about to pull out of the driveway when you see a very familiar looking individual dressed in all white walking across the street.

Rolling down the window you call out, "Hey! White jacket, over here!"

Stepping out of the car, you head to where he was standing awkwardly. When you finally approach him, the things you were about to stay kind of just disappears because you never realized how cute he was.


Both of you speak at the same time, causing your eyes to lift from his shoulder to his face that was showing the same surprise, he chuckles and your heart thumps a little at the adorable expression, "You first."

You tuck your hair behind your ear in a nervous gesture as you apologize, "Sorry about just abandoning you on the slope yesterday and about slamming into you, I should've been paying more attention."

"You're very much forgiven," he smiles, eyes curving cutely into crescents, "I actually wanted to apologize about my attitude yesterday too and like you said, it probably wasn't the best idea to wear all white while skiing."

You laugh, "I'm glad you think so. Come to think of it, I don't even know your name, do I?"

"Seungkwan," he offers a hand for you to shake, which you do as you introduce yourself.

Looking at your bright smile, Seungkwan's cheeks redden slightly as he quietly offers, "Would you like to get some coffee with me?"

"Sure," your eyes meet his warm brown ones and your stomach flutters, "That sounds nice."

. . . 

a/n what is this even?? i sure as heck don't know lol hope you like it tho! 

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