The8 (I)

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"Minghao," you called out, a desperate note to your voice as you tugged insistently on the hem on his jumper.

He didn't even show any sign of hearing you.

You sighed, "Minghao please."


"We need to leave. There's still so much to do. We haven't even gotten started on all of shopping we have to get done." You reasoned for maybe the millionth time. But of course nothing would ever get through to him when the greatest temptation was placed in front of him.

His hands were pressed up against the glass and his eyes were wide and sparkling with adoration.

If only he would look at you like that.

"Minghao. I swear to God." Your patience was running thin. "I'm leaving."

"Okay, okay. I'm coming," he muttered, clearly annoyed at your constant pestering.

"Don't you dare take that tone with me." You glanced at the time displayed on your phone, "We've been in front of the puppy display at some godforsaken pet shop for over an hour.

"What? Really?!" He nearly shouted, "You're kidding right?"

You raise an eyebrow, "Does it look like I'm kidding?"

Minghao sighed, tearing his gaze away from the frolicking pups who seemed extremely animated under his eyes.

The pair of you walked in silence for a while, both were sulking, albeit for different reasons.

"I'm sorry, alright? But they were so cute." Minghao interrupted the slightly tense silence.

You grumbled something incoherent under your breath, refusing to allow him to soften your determination. He was in the wrong and you knew it, but why oh why did he have to be so endearing? However, he'd be a little more lovable if he stopped fawning over puppies all the time.

Suddenly a twinkle appeared in his eyes. "Wait. You aren't jealous are you?"

You turned your face away, not wanting him to see the colour that suffused your cheeks.

Minghao clamped a hand onto your elbow and gently turned your body to face him. You tried to suppress the little shiver of awareness this caused.

When he caught sight of your flustered face, his heart skipped a beat. Even though he could only see a part of it since you were still resolutely looking away.

"You know, you're quite adorable yourself," he chuckled before reaching a finger under chin and chucking it lightly.

He watched in fascination as an even darker blush spread across your cheeks.

You turned to face him. "Don't say things you don't mean."

Minghao grinned boyishly before linking your arm with his. "Let's get shopping cutie."

You rolled your eyes but you couldn't stop the wide smile of joy that reached from ear to ear. The same smile was mirrored on Minghao's face.

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