SVT 2019 (1)

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SVT – New Year Special

Laughter bubbled like champagne.

. . .

Universe One

The sky was beginning to darken as you made your way to Sungcheol's place. Your hands were guiding the wheel in a practised manner, being that it had not been the first time you've spent New Year's at his place with your group of friends.

This year you knew that Wonwoo, Vernon, and Mingyu would also be in attendance, a rare occasion as there would usually be one person absent due to some other prior commitment. A smile was on your lips as you recalled the fun that you all used to have during university.

. . .

The party wasn't exactly in full swing when you arrived, which was kind of a good thing since Sungcheol was still rushing to get everything set up. When you rang the doorbell, he had opened the door in a hurry looking quite frazzled.

"You're looking," you paused for the right word, "Scattered."

He huffs out a laugh, "You could say that Wonwoo was supposed to have gone out and got a couple bottles of champagne but guess who forgot about that particular task? The only task he had."

You follow him into the kitchen that still had various large snack plates still unfinished, "Well, I definitely saw that coming, as soon as I saw the group chat message." You hand him the heavy paper bag you had been carrying which he hadn't really taken notice of, "So I picked some up."

His bright smile caused your cheeks to flush slightly, "Thanks! I don't know why I didn't just ask someone else to do it. I've just been trying to plan this thing out and you know that social function planning isn't exactly my strong suit."

"And that's why you have us to help," you grin before giving him a hug.

. . .

When the doorbell rings, you quickly run towards the door, knowing that Sungcheol was more than preoccupied with the slightly burnt artichoke cheese dip. Cooking had never been his strong suit.

"Mingyu!" Your happy exclamation started the tall handsome male who was expecting a grumpy Sungcheol.

"Hey," his lips were lifted into a doting smile, "You sound awfully excited."

Quickly pulling him into the apartment, you pull him down so that his ear was somewhat closer your lips. "Well, you could say that Seungcheol could use a hand with the food."

The close proximity was a little disconcerting for Mingyu, but he took it in stride. "That sounds...about right actually."

Your pretty laugh makes him grin, but without wasting another second, you drag him into the mess of a kitchen.

. . .

The party had begun to pick up when you spot him. He's not exactly hard to find as most had chosen to dress in brighter colours. But of course, Wonwoo elected to wear an outfit of all black. To match his soul.

Tackling him into the hallway you giggle, "You may want to hide, there could be an ire-filled host who would like to have some words with you."

"Okay," he looks down at your bright eyes and flushed cheeks, "and you're definitely drunk."

You hit his chest slightly with a loosely made fist, "Nooooo, just a little tipsy, s'all."

Wonwoo shook his head at your antics, "You are such a lightweight."

"Says the loser who says the dumbest things when their drunk," You punctuate this with childishly sticking your tongue out at them.

. . .

Vernon is feeling very confused. You were slumped gently onto his shoulder as the time inches towards midnight.

He had gotten to the party a little late, so the drinks and snacks had already begun being consumed. But that didn't mean there was no fun to be had.

However, that doesn't really explain was happening right now but he doesn't really mind. He hadn't seen you in a while since he had missed last year's gathering.

Vernon nudges you gently and you gingerly shake yourself awake, "The new year is nearing."

"Wow, already?" Your head felt a little heavy so you propped your chin onto his shoulder, "It seems such a short time ago we were just fooling around."

Vernon smiles, a maturity to his face that you had never seen before. "Yeah, time sure does get away with us."

. . .

As the seconds ticked down towards midnight you glanced around the crowded living room. Sungcheol was watching the screen intently as he drummed his fingers on the back of a chair. Mingyu was actually tidying up a bit like the angel he is, although he did seem more preoccupied with the countdown currently. Wonwoo was sleeping, of course he was. And Vernon was sitting next to you getting very excited for the new year.

You were happy, although this year had been fun you were sure the next was going to be better. And if it wasn't, it isn't the end of the world.

After all, you had these boys with you.

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