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You were a reticent person; you liked to keep to yourself but more than that, you liked to keep your emotions and thoughts within the confines of your mind. It didn't really bother you when you were asked to share them though, but you would never willingly volunteer to do so.

Which was incredibly frustrating for Seokmin who found himself more than just a little infatuated with you. After so many years of being friends he still had trouble reading you and trying to understand what you meant with your short words that left too much to interpretation.

He was trying to gauge your mood as he watched you scrawl some words into your lined notebook. You had a serious expression of concentration on your face as you looked up to glance at an open book in front of you.

"Seokmin," you called out abruptly, interrupting the silence that hung about unusually. You wondered why he was being so quiet today.

"It's nothing," he shrugged, answering the question you didn't voice, "I'm just feeling a little down."

You pondered this for a moment before you stood to walk over to his side. You ripped the page you were writing on before folding it twice, forming a smaller rectangle.

He wondered what it was for, you seemed to be grasping it tightly, slightly crinkling the thin paper. When he looked up, you had already arrived in front of him, a small smile on your lips.

"What are you–" Seokmin was shocked into silence when you crouched down to wrap your arms around his torso in the warmest hug he had ever experienced.

"Don't feel down."

He could feel his heart begin racing, and he wondered why you could be so calm about it. However, he realized that this was not the case when he turned to glance at your face, which was flushed a brilliant red.

Seokmin felt quite disappointed when the hug you had initiated, ended. When you could face him again, you shoved the little note you had been writing into his limp hand. Filled with too much embarrassment, you quickly dashed out of the library. In your haste, you had forgotten all your belongings, along with the book you were reading from with so much focus.

Seokmin was still reeling from your hug and your subsequent disappearance that it took a while for him to remember the note you had left him earlier. He opened it gingerly to reveal an incredibly short message.

I love you.

Short, simple, and straight to the point.

At first, he couldn't make heads or tails of the very direct message; he went through some strange excuses such as: you were practising your penmanship to you intending him to give it to someone else (which he vehemently detested).

Then Seokmin realized that you would never do any of those things. You were always upfront about yourself and this was just another part of you.

Then he realized he lucked out, which lead to him nearly having a heart attack.

Then he realized he should probably chase after you.

Right after he cleaned up the mess the two of you left in the library along with all your stuff.

(He looked at the book in shock, the thing you were reading was titled For Dummies: Confessing)

. . .

When the two of you began to date, Seokmin learned something.

You were a hopeless cuddlebug, and he loved it.

. . .

It first happened when the two of you were watching a movie late at night. There was a large bowl of popcorn, a smaller one of some random assortment of candies and a large throw blanket that covered both of your legs.

As the movie progressed, somehow you had migrated so you were shoulder to shoulder with Seokmin who was still too engrossed with the film to notice your sneaky movements.

When he felt your head dip onto his shoulder, he smiled and pet it to tell you that you could lean on him. You frowned.

You didn't want to just lean on his shoulder.

"Seokmin," you said insistently as you nudged at his arm.

This time he was astounded by what he saw. You were pouting, he wasn't sure if you knew that you were doing it or not, but he was totally helpless in front of it.

"What's wrong?" He asked in a confused manner as he watched you struggle to voice your request.

You didn't want to tell him, it was so mortifying.

After several seconds of stalemate with the movie still playing in the background, you reached your arms out as if you were a bird.

Thinking you wanted a hug, he replicated the pose.

"Don't move." You ordered as you moved so you were lying on his chest with your ear pressed against his heart. When you wrapped your arms around his body, you felt as if something was missing before noticing that Seokmin's arms were still frozen in their position.

You readjusted his arms with little effort so that they were cradling you before you returned to nestling yourself against him.

"That's better."

As Seokmin watched the pleased smile on your lips grow, he felt his heart thrumming quicker. Your smile only became wider in response. You began to feel more and more drowsy as the warmth of his embrace coupled with the blanket resulted in you nodding off in only a few moments.

When the movie ended, he glanced down to see you sleeping peacefully with your arms still tucked securely around him. His smile was full of affection when he leaned down to kiss your forehead gently.

"I love you."

. . .

"Oh c'mon, my friends are all here. I'm going to be teased until I become a husk of human being if they see."

You stared firmly at him, not budging an inch.

"Please, just this once, can't it wait until we get back home?"

"I don't want to wait, I want to cuddle." Seokmin wondered if it was fair he was being coerced by the cutest expression he had ever seen. The more he watched your face become dejected, the more his resolve weakened.

"Oh, alright. Fine, you win."

As soon as he offered the embrace you slid right in, "I love you."

He sighed exasperatedly but still fondly, "I love you too."

When you were settled in his arms, he looked up to see all his friends trying not to snicker at his predicament.

"You're so whipped."

A hiss echoed through the room. "Vernon!

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