Chapter 2

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~*not proofread*~

"What the heck was that!?" Dinah shouted as she ran towards the girl who had been defending lauren and shoved her towards the ground.

"Dinah stop!" Demi yelled towards her teammate as she also managed to get to the girl.

A black haired girl also ran up towards dinah grabbing her in hopes of restraining her.

"Becky, Demi get off me! This dude is playing dirty! What kind of foul was that i wanna give her a polybeat down!" Dinah continued trying to wrestle out of hef teammates grasps.

"I swear I didn't try to hurt her! I was just trying to stop the shot!" The defender retaliated as she stood up, others from her team joining her defending that they would never play dirty.

It only took a few seconds before the referees managed to separate the girls and sent everybody to their respective benches as they knelt down to see how lauren was.

"Lauren, what happened?" The coach questioned as he finally made it to his best player.

"My ankle!" Lauren managed as she continued to grip her ankle. It was obvious how much pain she was in as she turned her head towards the floor trying to stop herself from screaming.

A few seconds later a stretcher was brought for the girl. She could no longer play.

The coach closed his eyes as his star player was carried away. All he could hope was that the injury wasn't too severe.

He then walked towards his bench.

"Ok girls, lauren is out for the remainder of the game..." The coach stated causing Dinah to knock a seat over in anger.

Demi closed her eyes. Even though she was the captain and a senior it was no secret that lauren was the best player on their team. It was going to be hard to do this without her.

"Come on guys! We're down by two and we still get to shoot lauren's free throw! We can win this! With 15 seconds left, it isn't impossible!" Demi shouted towards her team, she was the captain and the oldest she couldn't let their moral drop.

"Who is going to shoot lauren's free throw?" questioned, the rules state that if the player who had gotten the foul can't shoot for any reason someone else can be designated to shoot them, but the player who had gotten the foul can't return to the game. Of course that didn't matter since laurwn was injured.

"I'll shoot it, I have the highest percentages in FTs." The black haired boy known as beckystated to which everybody instantly agreed to.

"Dinah, come on! Being mad won't do anything. Let's win this for lauren." Demi spoke towards her teammate who had sat down and placed a towel over her head clearly pissed off.

"Come on. Dinah, we can't do this without you!" Hailee told the girl as she walked towards her and placed a hand out to help her out her chair.

Dinah's anger slowly subsided as she smirked and grabbed hailee's hand and stood up.

The coach smiled. His team had great teamwork. That was one reason they were so good. They could definitely win this without lauren.

"Oh no...Poor lauren..." normani muttered as a medical team walked past her and camila carrying an injured lauren who was clearly in a lot of pain.

"I know...It's even worse that the other team didn't get punished for that play..." camila replied she also felt horrible for lauren. Not that they were friends, hell they had never spoken before in their lives, but it still hurt her heart to see somebody get hurt.

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