Chapter 9

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~*I dont own anything, everything converted to camren*~

that we get to spend time together austin.." camila sweetly told her boyfriend as they stepped out of the car at the same park lauren and dinah had arrived at just minutes earlier.

"Anything to make you happy babe..." austin replied with a sweet smile as he began to walk her to a bench so they could talk. Unfortunately the only seats were a few tables next to the basketball court.

Austin frowned. "These guys...Don't they have anything better to do then play this stupid sport everyday." he stated in an annoyed tone as they made it to a table. He wasn't exactly pleased that they would have to watch a bunch of sweaty guys run around, but he didn't have much of a choice since this was what camila wanted to do.

The brown eyed girl shrugged at her boyfriend, she already knew he wasn't a fan of basketball, but he would live after all he just had to sit and watch. Camila was a bit surprised as she noticed two familiar girls on the court.

"What is that idiot doing..she's going to get herself hurt out there." Camila said out loud as she saw lauren talking with the group of people clearly getting ready to begin a game.

This caught austin's attention as he looked in the direction that camila had been. "Who are you talking about? Do you know somebody out there?" he questioned in a suspicious tone which camila automatically picked up on.

"Nobody that I know personally...I just see someone from our school's basketball team that got injured in the championship game a few days ago..I just didn't think it would be smart for her to be out playing all ready." Camila lied feeling ashamed as soon as the words came out of her mouth. This was the first time she straight up lied to austin about her relationship with lauren, she usually just didn't tell him anything or let him think whatever he wanted.

Austin gave an uncaring nod. "Why do you care. If she wants to get hurt, then that's her problem."

Camila bit her lip, wanting to scold lauren for being so reckless, but decided to bite her tongue for now as she agreed with austin.

It took only five minutes for the teams to be picked with dinah, lauren, Becky and two random other boys on one team and another five players on the opposing team.

"You guys get ball first." Lauren stated in a commanding tone. It was pretty obvious she was confident in her abilities as dhe seemed to radiate confidence as she walked around the court and everybody seemed to respect what she said. "Let's go!" Lauren screamed signaling the start of the game.

The opposing team was quick to inbound the ball and bring it up court.

"Give me that." Lauren cockily stated as she pick pocketed the ball handler with little difficulty.

The boy who had gotten the ball stolen from her quickly recovered and got in front of lauren to prevent a easy lay up. Lauren slowed down as she waited for the rest of her team to come up court.

"Iso." Lauren said. "I want to get a little warm up."

Dinah laughed as she motioned for everybody on their team to come to the left side of the court leaving lauren alone with her defender on the right side.

"D her up!" Someone of the opposing team shouted towards lauren's defender, not wanting lauren to get to the rim easily.

The boy listened as he got as close as he could to lauren without fouling him.

"Oh so you want to do this..." lauren said her competitive nature coming out as she backed up to try to gain some more space.

"You're not going to score on me." Her defender said in a competitive tone.

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