Chapter 32

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~*I dont own anything, everything converted to camren*~

"Wow Mila that was amazing!" Normani shouted as her best friend returned from the stage.

Camila squealed as she saw her bestfriend as she jumped into her arms wrapping normani in a tight hug.

"I was so nervous! I can't believe how many people were watching!" Camila shouted not noticing the smirk that appeared on normani's face as she released the hug.

"Oh, but that didn't stop you from kissing lauren in front of them." Normani teased narrowing her eyes at the brown eyed girl.

Lauren and dinah were a bit slower coming off the stage, as they got backstage they immediately noticed the red faced camila. "I guess your girlfriend has already started the teasing." Lauren assumed with a small chuckle.

Dinah nodded in agreement as she approached normani. "If you tease her to much her face might not return to its original color babe." Dinah joked as she wrapped an arm around her girlfriend.

Normani chuckled as she gave dinah a light kiss on the cheek. "You're right, but you did great dinah. I'm so proud of you. Thanks for helping mila." She said as dinah tightened her grip around her.

"Mani's right, thank you for your help tonight dj! I don't know what I would have done without you." Camila said as she gave dinah a thankful look.

Dinah merely waved her off. "It was nothing, besides it's not like it was an inconvenience for me. I live for the limelight!" She joked causing lauren to roll her eyes.

"I suppose I should thank dinah too, she did help me and camila get together." Lauren added in as she mimicked dinah's actions by wrapping her arm around camila's shoulder.

Camila's face instantly turned red, lauren had basically just confirmed that they were dating now. She smiled softly. She was going to attempt to lean on her shoulder, but she then she remembered how tall she was. "Why did you have to be so tall?" Camila randomly questioned surprising lauren.

Lauren's face showed a look of confusion before she just shrugged her shoulders. "Are you complaining?" She questioned in a teasing tone.

Camila giggled a bit as lauren brought her in a little closer, tightening her grip, "I guess not." She replied as she allowed her head to rest on her chest.

For a few seconds camila forgot where she was until normani's fake coughs brought her out of her daze. "I'm happy that you guys are getting along, but come on, we should support shawn." Normani interrupted as she dragged dinah to where they had watched camila at since shawn had already taken her place on the stage.

Camila nodded in agreement as she also dragged her girlfriend to a spot where they could get a good view of their brown haired friend.

With lucy

"Lucy are you ok?" The girl's manager questioned having seen his client's expression drop a bit during the performance.

Lucy instantly shook the frown off her face. "Yeah..I'm fine." She muttered, but she knew she didn't sound very believable.

The manager eyed her for a few seconds before sighing. He wasn't blind, obviously the girl didn't expect that basketball player to kiss the performer. He wasn't entirely sure what lucy's relationship with lauren was, but this just confirmed that if he wasn't careful it could turn into a fiasco. He looked at lucy one last time before speaking.

"You know, now that I've watched that girl preform I think she has some talent....I was thinking I might introduce her to some of my coworkers. They've been looking for some feminine talent." He informed lucy watching her intensely to gauge her reaction.

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