Chapter 21

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~*I dont own anything, everything converted to camren*~

"Ugh!" austin complained as he threw his phone on the bed. He had been trying to get in touch with camila for the past week. She had yet to even answer the phone.

"Maybe this is hopeless..." The aspiring actor thought as he laid down.

He would have never thought he would feel so empty without camila. He couldn't get through simply tasks without her going through his head. It hurt...He had considered going to her house after the first few days, but he didn't even want to imagine what camila's dad would do if camila had told him what had happened.

Suddenly austin heard a knock on his door.

He groaned as he sat up as the door opened revealing his brother.

"What do you want Harley?" austin questioned in a annoyed tone.

Harley was 21, but unlike austin he had no aspirations, no goals, not even a job. He pretty much roamed the streets all day.

"You still in here crying like a bitch over that girl?" Harley said with a smirk.

austin just put his head into his pillow, he really didn't feel like dealing with his brother's smart ass attitude right now.

Harley wasn't about to just go, however as he sat down on the bed causing asutin to groan since he realized his brother wasn't just going to leave.

"Look at yourself. You look pathetic bro.." Harley gave his analysis of his brother before he looked towards the phone that was sitting at the end of the bed.

asutin once again sat up, only for his eyes to widen as he saw Harley's hand going towards his phone.

The boy tried to get to the phone before his brother, but it was to late as Harley snatched up the phone and instantly saw austin's call log.

"Dude..." Harley muttered as he looked through austin's call log.

The younger male sighed knowing how desperate he was probably looking in his brother's eyes.

"austin..You have to move on...You've called this girl over 100 times and she hasn't picked up once...I think it's safe to say you guys are over..." Harley slowly said not wanting to make fun of his brother after realizing just how bad he was feeling.

"I know...I just..." austin started as he moved to the side of the bed so he was sitting next to his brother.

Harley listened to his brother intently. He had never seen his sibling so down. austin was usually full of confidence, usually to the point where he seemed conceited so it didn't seem right to see him like this.

The older brother sighed as he thought of something. "Alright austin...Call her one more time. If she doesn't pick up then you have to move on...If she does than tell her what you just told me." He suggested.

austin nodded as Harley handed him the phone. He quickly dialed the number and put it up to his ear.




austin's heart seemingly stopped as he heard someone pick up the phone. This was it.

"Stop calling this number! camila does not want to talk to you!" A raspy voice suddenly said surprising austin.

The person who answered the phone didn't give austin a chance to question who he was as he quickly ended the call.

Harley looked at his brother. He had also heard the female voice answer, he could only imagine what austin had to be thinking right now.

"Who the fuck was that?!" austin suddenly screamed surprising Harley.

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