Chapter 4

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~*I dont own anything, everything converted to camren*~

The rest of the school day was pretty uneventful and camila and normani soon found themselves walking towards the drama room for practice.

Camila felt a vibration coming from her pocket. She checked it and was a bit surprised to see it was lauren's number.

"Who is that?" Normani questioned being nosy as she peered over camila's shoulder only to smirk once again. "Oh it's your future sideline girlfriend."

Camila ignored her friend as she read the message.

**Hey, how long until your free?**

Camila had to admit, at least it seemed like she was serious about getting better. ** I have a club meeting for a hour, but after that I should be free**

She put her phone back in her pocket. After all if lauren was like austin she probably wouldn't reply for a while, before she could however she felt a vibration.

Surprised she looked at it.

**Alright, me and Dinah will be waiting in the parking lot. Text me when you get out. We can study at dinah's house for a few hours and then she can take you home. I mean if that's alright with you. ᕙ('▽´)ᕗ **

Camila couldn't help, but smile at the face she had made at the end of the message. It was pretty creative she had to give her credit.

"Oh wow, she's already inviting you to her house." Normani stated still peering over camila's shoulder.

"She invited me to her FRIEND'S house for one and two can you please stop insinuating that I'm doing something inappropriate. I'm just helping out a teacher." Camila told her friend.

"Mhm, I wonder if austin will be ok with it?" Normani questioned as she held a finger up to her chin. "I know if I was a him I wouldn't like my girlfriend going to a house with two basketball players. Regardless of the reason."

Camila sighed as she realized normani was right. One thing she had learned about austin was that he could be extremely jealous at times, he would definitely not want her going.

"Well, I just won't tell austin.. It's not like he's my father I don't have to tell him every single thing I do. As long as I'm doing nothing wrong I don't see the problem." Camila replied after a few seconds of thinking.

Normani was a bit surprised at camila's answer, but shrugged her shoulders. "Well alright...If this comes back to bite you, don't say I never warned you. Because I feel like this is a dumb idea."

Camila just waved her hands. "I'm sure if I tell lauren to keep it a secret that I'm tutoring her she will. After all I doubt she wants people to know that she's doing poorly. So as long as you keep your mouth shut, it'll be fine. Like I said I'm not doing anything wrong so I have no reason to feel guilty."

"Alright mila. Haha, a few text messages to this girl and your already becoming a bad girl." Normani joked as they arrived at their club room.

"Shut it." Camila blushed as she opened the door. She wasn't surprised to see austin already on stage practicing with the same red haired girl he had seen him with earlier.

"Austin, Solidad." Normani greeted as she walked onto the stage.

Austin didn't acknowledge her however. "O.k chop chop now that the senior's production is completed it's time to put all of our efforts into 'Romeo and Juliet." he stated as the smile that had been on his face turned into a serious expression.

Camila rolled her eyes. Austin didn't seem serious until he saw her walk in, but she brushed the thoughts to the back of her head.

"Let's get to practicing then." Camila stated as she walked towards the stage as well.

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