chapter 41

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here its is,         ~*I dont own anything, everything converted to camren*~

sorry for any mistakes

The next few days that went by were the hardest for camila. She stayed home Tuesday Wednesday, and Thursday telling her parents that she wasn't feeling well. Her father had asked her if her missing school had to do with what she had told him about.

She told him it didn't, and decided to come to school Friday just so he wouldn't continue to ask her questions. She looked horrible. She hadn't bothered trying to put on make up to hide the bags that had came under her eyes from the lack of sleep she had gotten as she thought about lauren crying because of her. She had also thought about what could have been. Her and lauren becoming successful in their career goals maybe getting married... Those thoughts were the saddest. And finally she had to think about getting back together with austin. She was dreading it so badly, but she knew she had to do it today otherwise Harley would reveal lauren's secret.

camila had completely neglected working with shawn to learn the chords for their song, he had called a few times, but she ignored it. camila was almost positive that he was calling to tell her how much of a bitch she was. She didn't want to hear that. Calling simon was honestly the furthest thing from her mind.


camila couldn't have prepared herself as she felt her best friend almost tackle her.

"I've been so worried! You haven't been picking up your phone all week! I tried to call your house phone, but your parents said you were to sick to talk...I wanted to come over, but they said you just needed rest.." normani spoke at nearly a hundred miles per hour.

camila smiled for what seemed like the first time in days. "I'm fine now."

normani looked at her friend with a hard expression. "Don't give me that. I know your not fine. I can see the bags under your eyes indicating a lack of sleep."

 "O.k..Maybe I'm not fine..."

"It's lauren isn't it." normani said her tone softening as she walked camila towards a bench that was in front of the school.

camila nodded. "I miss her so much mani...You should have seen her when I.."

normani stopped her from speaking, knowing that the words were killing canmila. "I know ...dinah told me that lauren won't talk to her about it at all. she spends all her time practicing."

"Basketball is her escape from the heartbreak that I caused.." camila muttered already knowing why lauren was working so hard.

normani didn't respond since she knew how true camila's words were.

"Now I have to deal with austin today...This is even harder then I imagined.." camila continued her hands going to her face as she tried to handle her emotions. One thing she had told herself over and over was that she wasn't going to let austin see her so weak. No he was going to get a side of camila that would make him want to get as far away from her as possible.

"Are you sure about this Mila?" normani questioned her concern growing even more. This couldn't be healthy.

camila nodded before standing up. "Yeah...I have to be strong...For both lauren and I."


30 minutes before the second home game of the season. lauren never would have thought that she wouldn't have camila here to cheer her on. she shook the thought out of her head. Now was not the time for distractions. No. Leave any thought that doesn't involve basketball off the court. she couldn't let down her teammates nor could she let down all of the people who wanted to see the team get another victory.

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