chapter 45

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Sorry for any mistakes!

"So you've decided to take my offer?"

  lucy and lauren made their way back towards her. The smile on her face clearly told them that she was confident that they would.

"What will you use this photo for?" lucy asked before lauren could reply. Even though lauren didn't seem to care lucy didn't want this to come back and haunt her in the future. In this day and age photos were forever.

Jenny's smile grew. "Well I plan to sell it to a sports magazine. Maybe Sports Illustrated or Slam. Or maybe one like Jet is even better! I can see the headlines now High School Superstar Steals the Heart of Famous Supermodel! Imagine the publicity!"

Even though it was exactly what lucy had expected, the way Jenny had worded it made the blush on her cheeks flare up. Her eyes then shifted to lauren to see what she thought about the situation now that she knew what their photo would be used for. The way she avoided her eyes told her enough.

"I'm sorry to say that's not true. I already told you there is nothing going on between lauren and i " lucy lied hoping that she could convince jenny to come up with a different title.

Jenny shook her head. "Trust me darling I have a knack at spotting when somebody is in love and my brain is just screaming at me that you are smitten!" Her words caused lucy's cheeks to burn even hotter.

This was quickly becoming one of her most embarrassing photo shoots ever! And that's saying a lot considering she had posed in a lot of suggestive clothing over the course of her career.

A small chuckle brought her out of her thoughts however. She returned her attention towards lauren who seemed to be extremely amused. "And why do you find this funny?"

lauren attempted to cover her mouth to hide her laughter, but it was far to late for that. "Oh you know why I'm laughing." she decided to say causing lucy's face to go even redder.

she has the nerve to tease her now in a situation like this!

"You jackass, that's it I refuse to be in this photo." lucy pouted as she crossed her arms, not wanting to be made fun of even more.

lauren slowly calmed her laughter as she put an assuring hand on her shoulder. "Oh come on lucy, it would just be a rumor. It'll die down in no time. I'm sure the world has much more important things to worry about than whether or not we're an item."

"Trust me lauren, they don't." lucy mumbled.

Even though she was giving lauren such a hard time about this deep down she really did want to take the photo. If the headline that Jenny made up was actually used it would be completely accurate. Plus to her there was no shame in being tied to lauren in the public eye. Maybe it would even help her chances of winning her heart as well. The only problem was she was almost certain that this would hurt lauren's chances of getting back together with camila, even if she was acting like she didn't care now it was obviously just a reflex because she was hurt. When the article came out she would regret it and she did not want to be tied to anything that she could regret.

"How about I up the offer 5000$ for one photo." Jenny negotiated after seeing the hesitant look on lucy's face. The photographer was cunning, she could read lucy like a book and it was obvious that she would do whatever the girl wanted her to. While 5000$ to lucy was nothing to a high school student it probably seemed like a million, there was no way lauren wouldn't jump at the opportunity to make so much money.

With a photo of these two Jenny was sure she could easily quadruple the 5000$. It was a great investment.

"Oh my god. Five thousand dollars. I feel light headed." lauren joked as she stumbled back as if Jenny's offer had punched her directly in the stomach.

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