Chapter 11

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~*I dont own anything, everything converted to camren*~

If camila had the option to die right now she would pick it with zero hesitation.

She was currently sitting at the kitchen table with her father, Austin, and for some odd reason her sister who had yet to stop smiling.

"Now sofia tell me what you saw again." Alejandro instructed his daughter as he continued to glare at austin.

"Dad, this is a big misunderstanding! Austin and I weren't doing anything! I swear I thought you guys were home." Camila spoke not wanting her sister to say anything knowing it would probably make the situation worse.

Alejandro directed his attention towards his daughter. "So you expect me to believe that two teenagers were alone in a bedroom for an undisclosed amount of time, my daughter has a hickie on her neck and nothing happened?" he questioned his voice sounding extremely sarcastic.

Camila's hand instantly went up to hide the mark on her neck, she had completely forgotten about it.

Austin decided to speak. "No offense sir, but camila is right we were just watching television. Nothing inappropriate was going on."

"He's lying dad! When I opened the door he looked like he was about to kiss Kaki!" Sofia suddenly blurted out.

Camila paled. Why couldn't she have been born an only child.

"Well is that true?" Alejandro asked in a calm voice surprising camila.

Austin quickly saw his girlfriend was struggling so he decided to answer for her. "Yes that's true, but it was only going to be a kiss and as for the hickie, things went a little far at the start I admit, but we stopped way before it got serious. We've been dating for almost two years now I think it's only natural that we do that sometimes."

Alejandro looked at the boy, he was a bit impressed that he wasn't backing down as most people were intimidated by the man.

"How long have you been here?" The father asked the boy deciding to ignore the hickie for now after all if the two had wanted to they probably could have gone much further.

"Umm..Maybe a little over an hour." Austin replied truthfully.

Alejandro looked at his youngest daughter. "And they were both fully clothed when you walked in?" he questioned her.

"Yeah?" Sofia answered not understanding why they wouldn't have had clothes on.

Alejandro sighed as much as he wanted to blow up about the situation he had to accept the fact that his daughter was almost a grown woman he would have to be used to this.

"Alright, well you can go back upstairs..Keep the door open though." He submitted, but he continued to glare at austin showing that he didn't trust him.

Austin felt a chill and turned away not wanting to look the man in his eyes any longer.

Sofia looked at her father with wide eyes. "What! She isn't getting in trouble?!"

Camila didn't question anything as she quickly grabbed austin's hand and dragged him upstairs muttering a quick "thank you dad" as she ran past him.


"That was scary...I thought my dad was going to flip." Camila said as they reached her room.

Austin just laughed. "Haha, maybe he's starting to like me." he said causing camila to laugh out loud.

"Yeah right! The odds of my dad liking a boy I bring home are extremely low. Maybe he is just realizing i'm not a kid anymore." Camila explained him reason for laughing.

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