Chapter 6

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~*I dont own anything, everything converted to camren*~

The next day at school

"So how was your date with lauren?" Normani questioned as she saw camila step off the bus.

Camila yawned before she replied.

"Oh, so it went on pretty late hmmm." Normani spoke before camila could answer a grin coming to her face.

Camila rolled her eyes. "It's not that deep mani. We studied and then talked for a few hours. Then I went home." Camila informed her friend making sure not to give exact times since normani would have a field day if she knew just how long she had been with her.

Normani looked at her friend for a few seconds before replying. "How boring. Leave it to you to be alone with a cute girl and not do anything."

"I have austin." Camila replied bluntly as her eyes began scanning the area for her boyfriend. She was a bit worried he still hadn't contacted her.

"Looking for me?" Austin suddenly appeared behind her as he grabbed camila from behind causing her to squeal.

Camila quickly turned herself around so she was facing him. "Yeah! Why didn't you call me back buster!" Camila questioned in a playful tone just happy nothing bad had happened to him.

Austin gave his girlfriend a quick kiss to her forehead. "Sorry baby, I was practicing my lines. I saw your call, but I figured I'd get back to you. By time I was finished I was just too tired. Can you forgive me?" he explained with a sweet smile causing camila's heart to flutter.

What was she thinking. Austin was so sweet..How could she ever believe that lauren would be better then him.

"Oh, that's understandable. You should really learn to take a break sometimes you know." Camila told her boyfriend causing him to chuckle.

"Like I said before camila." Austin started.

"Yeah, yeah. I know." Camila interrupted not wanting her boyfriend to preach to her about practicing.

Austin rolled his eyes. He was in a good mood today. "Well, I have to get to class I'll see you girls later." he waved as he walked away.

"Doesn't suspect a thing." Normani said as he walked away.

Camila quickly hit her on her  earning a groan from normani. "Shut up. Stop trying to make me feel bad. I'm not doing anything wrong."

Normani didn't reply as she continued to rub her shoulder as her and Camila began walking to their first class.

The school day passed by pretty quickly for Camila and she was pretty happy for it. After all today after she finished helping lauren for a hour she was going to teach her how to swim. Thoughts about how austin would feel about it weren't in her head, the closer it got to the time the more excited she felt herself get. She hadn't told normani about their agreement, because deep down she knew the black haired girl would just say "it is wrong" and honestly camila didn't need to hear that.

Soon the last bell of the day ran and camila packed up her bags. She didn't have a club meeting today, so she told lauren and dinah to meet her in the parking lot right after school.

"Hey camila, why the rush?" Austin questioned his girlfriend as he ran into her as she sped walked through the hallway.

"Oh, I'm going out with some friends today, So I was trying to get to their car quickly so they wouldn't have to wait." Camila replied getting a bit nervous.

Austin nodded. "Oh, well you and normani have fun. I'm staying after school to go over some more lines with some of the club members. I'll see you later." he stated assuming camila was talking about normani as he kissed his girlfriend and continued to walk to the club room.

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