chapter 22

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~*I dont own anything, everything converted to camren*~

"Come on camila...To write a good song, the best way is to draw from your own experiences in life." Shawn stated.

Camila groaned as she took sat her pen on the table before laying her head down as well. "This is so hard for me..." camila complained..

It had been over three weeks since camila had first met shawn through the help of lauren. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday lauren brought her back to shawn's house in order to work on music after she finished helping her with her workouts.

"Mila, your going to have to finish this song...We've already made the beat and I managed to schedule an appearance for us at the teen club Saturday night..." shawn explained to the frustrated girl.

"I know..." camila complained, she had wanted to run away when shawn had first informed her that they had an appearance. She would have to get over her stage fright however if she wanted singing to pan out.

Camila looked over to girl She rolled her eyes as lauren was completely ignoring them listening to her headphones with her eyes closed.

"Pay attention camila...We really have to get this song done today..I've worked really hard on the beat...We don't even have a topic yet.." shawn complained seemingly becoming more annoyed as he spoke.

"OK, how about we decide on the topic first. Before we even try to write any lyrics that should make this easier right?" Camila suggested.

Shawn put a finger up to his head before nodding in agreement. "Alright what do you think is a good topic?"

"Well people like songs that are relate able to them right so how about...School?" Camila thought.

Shawn chuckled. "Well we don't want our audience to be so limited so how about we try a broader topic...Maybe smoking?" Shawn suggested.

Camila frowned. "Well I've never smoked cigarettes before so..." She started causing shawn to laugh a bit harder gaining lauren's attention.

"What's so funny?" Lauren questioned as she removed her headphones.

"Camila and I are trying to decide on a song topic for Saturday's concert." Shawn informed the girl.

Lauren rose an eyebrow. "Why is that funny?"

"Well I suggested smoking and camila thought I meant cigarettes." Shawn laughed causing lauren's eyes to widen a bit before she started laughing as well.

"Do you guys want to let me in on the joke!" Camila shouted a bit annoyed that she didn't get why everybody was laughing.

Lauren was the first to calm her laughter. "Nothing, it's just cute how innocent you are."

Camila puffed out her cheeks. "Just explain the joke to me."

"Well I was talking about smoking you know...marijuana.." shawn explained.

Camila's eyes snapped towards lauren. "You don't smoke that do you lauren?!" She questioned in a surprised tone.

Lauren instantly began shaking her head. "Of course not! Coach would never let me play if he smelled that on me!"

Camila seemed to calm down a bit before turning her attention towards shawn. "You better not be! It'll ruin your voice!" She stated causing shawn to roll his eyes a smile playing at his lips.

"I'm willing to take that risk." Shawn joked.

Camila sighed. "Well I refuse to sing a song about that stuff. I personally don't like it."

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