Chapter 42

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~*I dont own anything, everything converted to camren*~

Lauren's POV

My hands went to my lips while I still looked at lucy. I was shocked, speechless, and many more emotions were swirling in my body. lucy had just kissed me.

lucy, one of my closest friends...just kissed me.

The smile that had been etched on her face as she confessed to me had vanished. She now looked like she wanted to run, but was having trouble moving her legs. It took another few seconds before I realized why she was quiet. I had to respond.

"lucy..." It wasn't much, but at least she knew I hadn't loss the ability to speak by her actions. I licked my lips before continuing. I was nervous. I never had a problem with talking with her before, but now I was aware of what my words could do. Suddenly dinah's question from the roof came to my head.. she knew about Lucy's feelings... That's why she asked me.

"Lucy, I can't.." this time going a bit further with my answer. I honestly had no idea how to voice my answer without hurting her feelings. That was the last thing I wanted to do.

Luckily lucy held out a hand signaling me to stop. "lauren..I'm not expecting you to return my feelings."

Her words brought little comfort. Now I felt horrible, there was absolutely nothing wrong with lucy, she was beautiful..But I just never saw her in that light. I had believed that the feeling was mutual, but why didn't i notice what she was truly feeling.

"lucy.." this time my words earned a small giggle from her.

"laur, I know my name is lucy. You can stop saying it now." She said in a sweet tone as she closed the gap between me and her.

My face got even hotter, I had never felt so aware of lucy's beauty. My eyes instantly struggled to meet hers, I just wanted to go inside to escape this feeling, but I knew I couldn't.

"I don't know what else to say I...Just never knew you felt that way.."

"Well I do."

I tried to back up, but the only thing behind me was a closed door. "I'm sorry..." I knew it was a horrible response, but what else could I say? I had only been focused on camila, for lucy to suddenly drop this bomb on me...

The smile came back to lucy's face. "lauren, do you know why I chose to tell you this now?"

I slowly shook my head.

lucy closed the gap between us and placed her forehead on my chest and looked down. Once again the blush returned to my face, but I didn't move her. I was frozen.

"I wanted you to know that..." She paused for a few seconds. "Even though you love camila...There is somebody else here who loves you...somebody who would never hurt you." lucy words were so soft I could barely hear them, but when I did I instantly calmed down.

I had to control myself, lucy was being extremely brave right now and if I started to treat her differently it would only hurt her more than my rejection.

"When you told me camila broke up with you I felt guilty, because I had told dinah I hoped that your relationship ended...It was a horrible thing to do I know, but I couldn't help myself from thinking like that." 

I listened intently. I didn't feel anger at her confession of wanting me and camila to broke up, but I didn't tell her that.

Suddenly lucy turned her head up towards me and once again I struggled to maintain my composure as her eyes stared into mine. "lauren, whether you want it or not...My heart is yours... and it has been for a long time...Even if I didn't know it."

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