Chapter 44

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Here it is guys sorry for the long wait busy studying for tests and projects...and finally its summer no more home works and studying :P

Sorry for any mistakes

~*I dont own anything,everything is converted to camren*~

"Lucy's eyes widened as lauren's lips moved against hers, and as much as she wanted to continue she reluctantly pushed lauren off.

"lauren..What's goi-" lucy started before her lips pressed against hers once more this time more forcefully.

The kiss lingered a little longer as lucy briefly allowed herself to give into the temptation before she snatched herself away and dragged lauren inside of the condo.

"La-" Lucy tried but once again laurens lips once again met hers. This time she felt her legs go weak as lauren pulled her closer to her deepening the kiss. The intensity of the girl gave lucy little choice, but to wrap her arms around lauren's neck as her tongue explored her mouth.

lucy slowly matched lauren's movements deciding to question her afterwards.

The deep sound of a man clearing her throat brought lucy out of the trance lauren had put her under so quickly. She quickly separated herself from lauren for the third time and turned her attention to her bodyguard.

lauren also gave the large man her attention. she had completely forgotten about him...

"Bruno..Can we have some privacy please?" lucy said in a soft tone trying to hide her blush.

The bodyguard simply nodded as he headed out giving lauren a passing look as he walked by the young basketball player. lauren felt a bit of hostility, but didn't bother to question it. As the man left the room lucy's attention went back to lauren.

"And what was that about?"

  Lucy was dressed in a simple pair of black sweats rolled up so that they wouldn't fall off along with a white tank top her blue bra straps visible. She clearly hadn't been expecting anybody to stop by.

lauren groaned as she sat down on lucy's couch knowing that she couldn't avoid talking any longer. "I just wanted to kiss you..." she muttered as she put her face into her hands not wanting lucy to look directly at it. She would be able to read her like a book.

 "Not that I'm complaining, but I thought you didn't feel that way about me?"

"I'm sorry."

lucy's face turned into one of confusion. "Sorry for what?" She questioned as she went to sit down next to the distressed basketball player.

"I shouldn't have come here..."

lucy frowned as she placed a comforting hand on the girl's back. "Did something happen with camila?"

lauren gave a bitter chuckle. "It's crazy how everybody seems to know that if I'm down it has something to do with camila."

 "Tell me what happened?"

lauren lifted her face from her hands and turned her face towards lucy, her eyes focused completely on her. "It's not important. I just think I need to move on..."

lucy's face didn't portray any emotion as she continued to look at lauren.

"In the end, I guess camila and I just weren't meant to be together you know?" lauren continued as she turned her head away from lucy not wanting to risk her seeing her cry if any tears managed to slip out as the thoughts of seeing camila with austin flooded back to her brain.

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