Chapter 12

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~*I dont own anything, everything converted to camren*~




Lauren groaned as she rolled over and turned off the alarm off her phone. It was 7 am.

This was the hardest part about morning training. Actually waking up to do it. She glanced at the text message that camila had sent the night before.

"So everything is a go huh." Lauren said to herself a small smile appearing on her lips.

After a few more minutes of rest lauren finally managed to convince her body to get up. She quickly went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and take a quick shower. After she was finished with that she put on a sports bra,tank top, a pair of running shorts, and running shoes.

She grabbed the basketball that was sitting by the door and walked out. She always ran while dribbling the ball as it helped her practice her ball handling skills. Lauren double checked to make sure she wasn't forgetting anything before she walked outside. She had a very specific path that she ran whenever she decided to jog in the morning, the path helped avoid areas in Aeston where the people...weren't as friendly.

"Let's do this..." lauren motivated herself as she began dribbling the ball and then starts jogging.

A Few Hours Later

"Ugh...What time is it.." camila muttered as she slowly opened her eyes. She hadn't set an alarm last night so she had no idea when in the day it was.

Suddenly her plans for today came to her mind causing the girl to jump up. "Oh my god! How long until lauren gets here?" Camila wondered out loud as she grabbed her phone and looked at the time.


"Lauren will be here in 30 minutes! UGH!" Camila screamed as she got out of bed and ran to the bathroom in hopes of cleaning up to the best of her ability in the time god was providing her.

Soon enough camila heard the doorbell ring. She had managed to brush her teeth, take a extremely quick shower and put on a white tank top barely hiding her red bra along with a pair of yoga pants. Her hair was still wet, but she would have to deal with it for now.

As the girl ran to the door she heard somebody else beat her to it.

"YOUR LAUREN JAUREGUI!" She heard her little sister exclaim causing camila to frown. She had completely forgotten that her sister and father already knew who lauren was. Hopefully they wouldn't crowd her.

"Sofi, don't bother lauren." Camila stated bluntly as she made her way to the door. She quickly took in lauren's appearance, she was wearing a black tank top and shorts and she was clearly tired. She had a basketball in her hands and was extremely sweaty.

"You could have put a little bit of effort to look...decent before coming to my house Lo." Camila told the girl as took in how she looked.

Lauren laughed ignoring Sofi's outburst. "I'm sorry, I was working out this morning and I completely lost track of time...By the time I remembered what I was doing today it was already pretty late so I just decided to come how I was."

Camila nodded at her words before a thought came to her head. "Lauren...Did you run here?!" She suddenly asked unable to hide the surprise in her tone. She knew at the very least she couldn't have lived within a few miles of her otherwise she would have known.

The basketball player shrugged her shoulders as if it wasn't a big deal before her attention went down to sofia who was still looking at her with stars in her eyes. "And who is this?" She questioned as she held out her hand for sofi to shake which she accepted quickly.

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