Chapter 34

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~*Not proof read*~

Lauren sighed as she used one of the pillows on the couch to cover her ears as a loud banging sound rang throughout the living room.

"Lauren come to the door!" Dinah shouted clearly annoyed that her best friend was ignoring her.

The raven haired girl groaned as she pulled the pillow completely over her face not wanting to get up. It was obvious, however that she was having a hard time ignoring the vulgar words dinah was screaming and the loud banging noise she was making.

After a final groan lauren finally stood up and opened the door obviously still tired.

Dinah's face was one of annoyance as she came inside. "Jesus dude, it's one thing to oversleep your morning workout, but to still be sleep at 11:30 is completely unlike you."

Lauren put a hand through her hair as she sat back on the couch stretching her back a little trying to relieve the pain that came along with sleeping on the couch.

"I guess...I was just so tired last night...I don't even remember you getting me home last night." Lauren admitted as she rubbed a bit of sleep out of her eyes.

Dinah rolled her eyes. "Lightweight, it wasn't that tiring of a night."

Lauren just ignored her friend as she stood up once again and headed to the bathroom to clean himself up. Luckily her mom had gone to work earlier in the morning so she didn't have to worry about her being mad at how loud dinah was being.

"Hurry up and get dressed dude. Lucy is expecting us in half an hour." Dinah informed.

Lauren noticeably sped up, but it was obvious she was still taking her time. "Dinah throw me my phone, it should be next to the couch on the charger." Lauren said before she entered the bathroom.

Dinah complied as she tossed lauren the cellular device before the girl went inside the bathroom closing the door after her.

As the door closed, lauren looked down at the phone.

**It's rare that I wake up before you.**

Lauren smiled a bit at the message, she had a habit of texting the brown eyed girl good morning every day, so when she didn't camila clearly came to the conclusion that she was still asleep. The message came at around ten so she hadn't been up to much earlier.

**Yeah, well you kept me up late last night. (¬‿¬)**

Lauren chuckled to herself hoping that camila would catch the double entendre. She didn't bother waiting for a reply as she sat her phone on the sink and began stripping off her clothes. Clearly she hadn't bothered to the previous night since she was still wearing the same clothes as last night.

After turning the knob for the shower, she stepped in not bothering to wait for the water to heat up. She didn't mind a cold shower, it helped her body recover quicker and lauren was sure that she was going to have a lot of cold showers this basketball season.

After around twenty minutes lauren stepped out of the shower feeling new and fresh. She brushed her teeth and dried off before walking out of the bathroom still wrapped in a towel. Dinah had already made herself comfortable laying on the couch texting, most likely normani.

Lauren didn't spare her friend another glance as she walked towards the side of the living room where her mom kept her clothes folded neatly on a small table. After grabbing what she felt was acceptable she headed back to the bathroom.

As she closed the door her hands immediately her phone which was still placed on the sink where she had left it earlier.

**Oh shut up. You're not funny lol.**

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