Chapter 25

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~*I dont own anything, everything converted to camren*~

Later that night

"I swear you must have cast a spell on my dad." Camila muttered as her and lauren stepped out of the car at the festival.

Lauren chuckled. "Why do you say that?" She questioned

"Because! It always seems like he wants us to go out! I swear if you weren't a star basketball player us being around each other so much would NOT happen." Camila emphasized.

"Well I better make sure I keep practicing so I don't lose his favor. I would hate not to be able to see you as much." Lauren replied as she turned towards the brown eyed girl smirking as she saw her blush. She knew exactly the kind of words that would make camila nervous and sometimes she just had to.

Camila had dressed in a white skirt, a pair of white flats and a red blouse. Her hair was laid straight down.

Lauren had dressed in a paid of black and white Adidas joggers along with a white v neck. She had a pair of slides on since her feet were a bit sore from all of the running she had done earlier.

"This place looks pretty fun don't you think though." Camila said in an attempt to change the subject as she pointed towards the entrance of the festival.

Lauren gave a small yawn as she put her hand to help shield her eyes. "I suppose, it's a bit bright for my taste though."

"Oh stop crying, let's go!" Camila laughed as she grabbed lauren's hand and began pulling her towards the entrance. Lauren complained a bit since her slides began slipping off her feet, but she managed to keep them on as she struggled to maintain her balance as the small girl pulled her.

As the duo made their way threw the different stands lauren couldn't help but squint her eyes as she saw a familiar face.

"DINAH!" Lauren yelled as the blonde haired girl continued speaking to normani unaware that she had been spotted.

"NORMANI!" Camila shouted as well noticing the pair just as lauren had.

This time the group heard them as dinah turned her head in their direction.

Dinah's face lit up as she spotted her best friend. "Laur, what are you doing here?" Dinah questioned as she motioned for normani to look towards the other friends.

"Camila? Oh my god is this what I think it is?!" Normani immediately asked as she ran towards her brown eyed friend.

The girl's eyes narrowed as she looked at her best friend a knowing grin on her face as she approached camila.

Camila gave a nervous smile. "I have no idea what u mean..." The girl started.

Dinah laughed a bit as she gave lauren a handshake surprised to see them.

"Lauren you sly dog you, finally convince mila here to go on a date?" Normani directed her question towards lauren knowing she wouldn't get any information out of camila.

"Hehe nothing like that, we are just going out as friends.." lauren replied with a nervous laughter.

"Well! Who care about the why, let's just have some fun!" Dinah stated as she turned around and began walking to the different booths. "Come on mani leave lauren and camila alone! We have our own date to worry about!" Dinah turned around and told the girl with a smirk.

Normani looked at her and laughed before turning back to camila and lauren. "Well you be good now!" She said giving camila a look that clearly said "We are going to talk about this later."

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