Chapter 18

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~*I dont own anything, everything converted to camren*~

Camila soon happily made her way to the car causing dinah and normani to give a small cheer.

"It's about damn time! We're the last ones here!" Normani shouted as camila opened the door. The brown eyed girl just laughed as she sat down next to normani.

"Sorry..I guess I kind of lost track of time." She said with a blush as she remembered how much austin had kissed her during their talk. It was obvious that he was in an extremely good mood.

"Yeah I bet." Normani replied in an annoyed tone.

Dinah frowned a bit glad that lauren wasn't here. She probably would have felt a type of way if he put the pieces together of camila's last statement.

"So where is lauren?" Camila questioned as she realized the car was missing one person. They were talking about her and lauren wasn't even here yet.

"She went inside looking for you." Normani answered.

Dinah quickly took out her cell phone and dialed lauren's number. "I'll tell her that your out here. I'm sure she's getting annoyed with being unable to find you."

Camila nodded before she noticed something. "Hey what's that?" She questioned as she pointed to a tall figure running through the parking lot.

Dinah and normani both squinted their eyes in the direction that camila had pointed. It looked like...But it couldn't be...Well why would it be... All three thought as the person suddenly grabbed somebody.

Camila instantly knew who it was.

"AUSTIN!" She shouted as she got out the car wondering why somebody had just attacked austin. Dinah and normani quickly noticed something else.

"Oh shit that's lauren!" Dinah shouted as she got out the car as well with normani following suit.

A few minutes earlier.

Lauren watched carefully as austin and Solidad left the theater. What was she going to do? She could tell camila, but would she believe her? Probably not, she might even think that she was trying to break them up.

The raven haired girl frowned at the thought.

Plus she was technically still jumping to conclusions, she hadn't seen anything to actually confirm that austin was up to no good although there was probably a 70% chance that she was. Lauren grunted as she realized that she was running out of time. The two had already left the room if they left the school it would be impossible for her to find out.

Lauren made the decision to follow them, she would just have to confront austin herself. It wasn't the best plan, but it was the only one she could think of in such a small time frame.

She frowned as she walked into the hallway and noticed that the two had already managed to leave the building.

"Fuck..They move fast..." lauren muttered to herself as she began running towards the parking lot. If she was lucky maybe camila and the others would see austin themselves so she wouldn't have to explain anything. She smiled at that, austin probably had no idea that they were still here so she wouldn't be expecting camila to see him with Solidad in the parking lot.

lauren quicken her pace as she left the school and ran through the parking lot. The smile from her previous thoughts quickly left her face as she saw austin press Solidad's back against his car and kiss her, his hands grabbing the red haired girl's ass.

Lauren felt herself snap. Here camila was being so loyal to this kind of prick? She felt her pace quicken as austin finally noticed hee. lauren didn't give him time to speak as she yanked the boy off of Solidad and slammed his back against his own car.

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