Chapter 26

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~*Not Proof read*~

"Kaki! Come on! The Gabby and philip show is about to come on!" Sofi shouted from the living room.

The whole cabello family had planned to watch the talk show for one reason. Lauren had been invited to answer a few questions.

Camila quickly ran back into the living room. "I had to get my cell phone! In case lauren calls during the breaks!" Camila said in an excited tone she couldn't believe her friend was about to be on tv.

It was already three weeks into her senior year of high school. Nothing really had happened since the night at the festival and lauren never brought it up although there were a few times were it seemed like she wanted to say something about it. Camila had decided that she wouldn't question their relationship until she did.

Since the school year had started she hadn't really had any performances although she did miss the feeling of being on stage.

"Kaki move from in front of the tv!" Sofi shouted throwing a pillow at her older sister.

Alejandro and Sinu laughed at their children as camila moved to sit next to her mother.

"Shss it's starting!" Sofi informed the family as she grabbed the remote and turned the volume up.

Camila gave her sister an amused glance, sofi really did like lauren. Although she didn't say it out loud she was really glad that her family seemed to like lauren. Her father adored her for her basketball skills, sofi liked her for the same reason and even her mother seemed to have grown attached to lauren often asking how she was doing randomly throughout the week.

Another thing she had thought about was the fact that if her and lauren did start a relationship at least she knew she would have her family's full support on it, something that she never really had during her relationship with austin. Camila figured that was a good start in making sure that any possible relationship with lauren would be much stronger then her previous one.

Austin hadn't really talked to her much since school started, a fact that she was happy about. Although she could tell he fully intended to keep his word on only being focused on her since a lot of girls had come up to her a bit irritated that austin had rejected them saying he was still in love with her.

"I'm surprised that the coach is letting lauren do this. Usually coaches frown on their players making public appearances like this." Alejandri stated as the show did it's introductions.

"Actually lauren told me it was the coach's idea in the first place. She said that this is so reporters won't crowd their practices trying to get an interview with lauren since she will answer all possible questions today." Camila explained to her dad.

Alejandro nodded. "That makes sense...The first game of the season is tomorrow though and I can only assume that even more questions will be raised after it." He replied pointing out a flaw in the coach's reasoning.

Camila shrugged. "Well I'm sure any reporters that come to the school will quickly learn that lauren won't be giving any more interviews after this one, so they'll just be wasting their time."

"Can you two shut up! I think lauren is about to come out!" Sofi complained in a rude tone causing sinu to pinch her arm.

Sinu gave her daughter a stern look. "Watch who your talking to young lady." She warned the younger girl.

Sofi pouted for a few seconds, but quickly shook it off as she and the rest of the family turned towards the television.

TV Studio

"Now folks we have a treat for you! We specifically said that basketball fans were going to love this weeks guest." Gabby started as she sat up at her desk.

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