Chapter 16

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~*I dont own anything, everything converted to camren*~

"Camila, I finally found you..Jeez." austin said as soon as camila walked out. He had just been about to enter the gym, camila breathed a breath of relief as she realized she had just dodged a major bullet.

Normani laughed as she also noticed camila had gotten lucky as she waved goodbye leaving them alone.

Lauren and dinah soon walked out of the gym. Austin noticed them immediately as he looked at lauren who looked back at him with a small smirk.

"She's in your class?" Austin questioned a bit annoyed that camila hadn't mentioned it.

Camila at first didn't know what he was talking about, but as she saw lauren and dinah she quickly realized what austin meant. "I mean..she was in my class.. this was the last day.." She stated.

Austin closed his eyes as he tried to control his temper. "I really wish you would have told me. Has she ever talked to you?" He asked wanting to know if lauren had tried anything sneaky.

"No." Camila lied as she instantly felt bad knowing she had just finished having a lot of fun with lauren. It made her feel horrible that she was lying to her boyfriend so easily.

Austin seemed to contemplate for a second before he accepted her answer. "Well alright...Well i'm headed to class, I just wanted to give my beautiful girl this before I went." he smoothly said as he pulled out a rose and handed it to camila.

Camila smiled as she accepted the rose putting it in her hair. "Thank you austin."

Austin nodded as he gave camila a kiss goodbye and left to go to class.

The rest of the school day went by pretty fast and soon camila and normani found there way to drama practice.

"Say mila...What do you think about dinah?" Normani suddenly asked causing camila to stop walking and look at her strangely.

Normani quickly backtracked. "I mean she's been texting me since I gave her my number this morning and she seems pretty interesting... I've heard the rumors about her though so I don't want to even invest my time in her if it isn't worth it..."

Camila laughed. "I think Dinah has a bigger heart than most people give her credit for to be honest. It's just going to take the right girl to make her settle down." she said as she remembered how lauren had told her how if it wasn't for dinah she and her mother would probably never survived.

Normani nodded. "Well...We'll see if this turns into something... If you say she isn't that bad then I guess I shouldn't judge and should find out myself."

"Dinah can be really sweet to the people she cares about...I know that for a fact." Camila said as her and normani walked into the theater room.

Normani smiled, but didn't reply. She had only asked camila because dinah was making a very quick impression on her. She was funny and easy to talk to talk plus she was good looking she couldn't help, but feel a little attracted to her.

"Normani, your here great. Come up here and help me out." Austin said as they walked in the room completely ignoring camila's presence since he was to focus on practice.

Camila rolled her eyes used to this kind of treatment as she sat in a seat figuring she wouldn't have anything to do. She was just here to watch now.

She watched as they began practicing and for the first time since she began her relationship with austin she finally thought something that she had always denied.

This was so boring...

Watching lauren practice had filled her with so many emotions, it just felt more passionate. As she watched austin and Solidad read their lines she couldn't help, but almost fall asleep.

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