Chapter 37

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~*I dont own anything, everything converted to camren*~

"I don't know lauren..My manager will kill me if anybody gets any photos of me here...You saw how hesitant my bodyguard was about even letting me come alone..And then I lied about where I was going..." lucy muttered knowing how the media would act if they knew she was hanging around in aeston.

"Oh come on, it's a quick walk to my apartment. I doubt anybody will be able to take notice of you that quickly."lauren reasoned with a smile.

The trio had spent the last few hours catching up mostly. The topics ranged from where dinah was planning to attend College to all of the different countries lucy had been to, and even talked about which teams lauren hoped would draft her after she graduated in the spring. Overall it was a pretty enjoyable day to all three of them.

It was hard to tell that they hadn't spoken in over seven years because they seemed to just pick right back up where they left off.

Lauren and dinah were just as lucy remembered them. Well dinah seemed to have matured a little, but lauren was definitely the same. She was cute, sweet, caring, and over all just a fun person to be around. They both made her feel like she was a ten year old kid again talking with them about their dreams like they used to do when they were younger.

It was funny though that even though none of them had changed, they had all grown.

Her dream when she was younger was pretty vague. She had just wanted to be famous. To be somebody who people looked at and thought "wow I want to be like her." Lucy always figured that she had wanted such a thing because she never did receive recognition when growing up from her father.

Being a model never really crossed her mind back then, but now she was completely happy that she had chosen to do it.

She still spoke to her father occasionally, but their relationship wasn't strong. To his credit he tried to make amends once she starting making money, but it was hard to believe that his actions weren't from greed due to the timing. Lucy could never hate her father though...No matter what he put her through he still provided her with food to eat and for that she was happy to take care of him now that she could.

Both dinah and lauren had always said they were going to go to the pros. The confidence that they had as children always did amaze lucy, so now she wasn't surprised to see them so close now.

Dinah now would probably be able to attend any college that she wanted on a basketball scholarship and she had a chance of getting drafted one day. And lauren..It goes without saying that to lucy she was the most impressive out of all three of them.

She had just been lucky. That was all there was to her success.

Dinah while her accomplishments were impressive they weren't anything uncommon. There were hundreds of high school basketball players that had a chance to one day go to the league.

But lauren..It was pretty much set in stone that she would one day be in the NBA and she did it alone. She had no professional teaching her, she didn't use where she was coming from as an excuse not to become one

"Earth to lucy!" Lauren said in a playful tone, as she noticed her friend space out in the middle of their conversation.

Lucy blushed before she finally opened the door, her thoughts about lauren making her forget how worried she was about being seen in aeston. "I heard you jeez. Let's just hurry up." She replied.

Dinah laughed at how flushed she looked, but didn't say anything as she began to walk towards lauren's apartment.

Lauren and lucy followed. None of the three noticing the brown haired male who stood up the moment they walked passed him.

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