Chapter 38

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  ~*I dont own anything, everything converted to camren*~  

Here it is guys sorry for any mistakes

Camila didn't know what to do. Harley said she had to break up with lauren and when she thought about it there was literally no other option. If she told lauren there was no doubt in her mind she would confront either austin or Harley and that would only make Harley reveal her secret. She knew how lauren was and she definitely wouldn't think about the consequences of her actions, and there is no way she would just accept the situation either.

Maybe her and lauren could pretend to break up just until the season ended, that way Harley wouldn't have anything to complain about.

No..She couldn't do that because another part of the deal stated that she had to get back together with austin as well and there was no possible way lauren would let her do that if she knew. Even if she didn't want to do it, there was no scenario that camila could think of that lauren would go along with.

Why was this happening to her? She was finally happy..She had just been given an amazing opportunity to further her career, she had the best friends in the world, and best of all she had a girlfriend who was caring, sweet, cute...Just overall perfect. But now she was going to have to end the relationship that had only just started yesterday.

"Mija...Is everything alright?"

The voice caused camila to stand back up and look towards her front door. She had been so lost in her thoughts she hadn't even realized that she had just been curled up on their front patio, nor did she hear her mom open the door to check on her, it was no wonder her mother was worried.

"I'm fine..." camila replied although she knew her voice was betraying her real emotions.

Sinu looked at her daughter for a few seconds and she could see the inner turmoil brewing inside of her. Camila's eyes were directed downwards, her shoulders were slouched, it was a complete 180 from how she had been before the man with the brown hair had showed up.

The older woman slowly approached her daughter only for camila to silently walk past her. Her actions showed that she didn't want to talk about whatever had just happened. The revelation made sinu frown, it was rare that camila acted like that, what could that man have said to affect her mood this much?

Camila didn't look back towards her mother nor did say goodnight to the rest of her family as she walked back to her room. She knew she wouldn't be coming out of it for the rest of the night. No..She just needed to be by herself to think, maybe figure out a way to make everything work without anybody losing anything.

Once she got to her room she gently closed her bedroom door not wanting to bring any attention to herself. The moment the door closed it seemed that all of the emotions that had built up since Harley had arrived burst through the mental dams she had created.

Silently tears dripped from her eyes as she got on her bed. She didn't want to cry, she wanted to be strong and figure out a way to get out this, but she just couldn't. She just couldn't believe that Harley had actually found out lauren's secret and was using it to force her back together with austin

Austin...Did he know about this? Harley made it sound like he didn't, but camila was no longer the girl who had faith in austin so many months ago. She couldn't put anything passed him. But why would he do this? Surly he would know that just because she was forced to be with him doesn't mean either of them would be happy...

And what would lauren think... she had been her rock for the last few months. How could she just abandon her and go back to the ex who cheated on her. How would she think about her? She would surly hate her...she would regret being friends with her, regret ever putting in all of the effort to help her figure out what she wanted to do with life.

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