Chapter 46

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Sorry for any mistakes not proof read

"Lauren, now that was rude of you to hang up on lucy like that!" clara scolded as she watched her daughter chuckle to herself at her joke.

The basketball player shrugged nonchalantly. "Oh lucy will be alright." she replied without much care in her tone.

clara gave her daughter a hard look before sighing. "You two will never change."

lauren gave another laugh before reaching into her pocket. Her mom had been so quick to bring up what she wanted to talk about that she hadn't even had the chance to give her her good news.

"So mom I have a surprise for you." lauren said as approached her mother.

clara rose an eyebrow. "A surprise?"

Without another word lauren pulled out the folded check that had been sitting in her pocket ever since lucy's photo shoot. "I figured it might help you know. Everything." lauren said in a sweet tone as she watched her mother slowly reach out to receive the check.

"Well thank you de-" clara started before she read the amount on the check. "Lauren! Where did you get this?!" She suddenly screamed causing lauren to stumble backwards having been caught off guard.

"Um.. I got paid to take a picture with lucy.." lauren muttered still surprised by her mother's sudden outburst.

clara put a hand on her chest and took a deep breath. "Oh...I thought maybe you had accepted money from a school."

lauren gave her mom a look of confusion. "What do you mean? Colleges are going to offer me money to play for them?"

clara shook her head as she continued to look at the check. "You and lucy must have taken a pretty good photo for somebody to pay this much..." The older woman said mostly to herself.

"Mom, hello? You shouldn't ignore me." lauren said as she waved her hand in front of her mom's face in an attempt to regain her attention.

clara gently slapped lauren's hand away. "I heard you. I'm sorry, I'm just a little amazed that you got something like this...It'll be really helpful thank you...I was just worried that you had did something bad to get it."

"You keep skipping around my question mom. Can colleges offer me money to play for them and you make it sound like it's bad if they can?" lauren reiterated her question getting a bit impatient.

"lauren if you are approached to accept money from colleges it won't be a direct offer from the school. It'll probably be from an alumni from that school, but regardless it can get you in a lot of trouble. You can't accept anything from these schools or people associated from them. Do you understand?" clara finally answered as she took her eyes off of the check and turned them to her daughter.

lauren put a hand through her hair. "I guess."

Clara looked at her daughter for a few more seconds before a frown came to her face. "I don't want to pry, but is camila alright with whatever photo you took with lucy? Even if it was just to make some money...I hope your thinking about her feelings as well. She is a sweet girl." She asked unable to hide the fact that she had been concerned about it ever since lauren had mentioned the photo.

"camila broke up with me." lauren answered quickly as she walked towards the kitchen. The tone in her voice told clara not to press the issue any further.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Was the only thing clara could think to say. She had thought that something had happened between her daughter and her girlfriend and her suspicions increased when lauren invited lucy to tag along on the college visits.

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