Chapter 29

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~not proof read~

Camila ran back into the gymnasium as lauren left her vision. She desperately tried to stop the grin that graced her face, but no matter how hard she tried it didn't seem to go away. She couldn't believe she had kissed lauren.

Just the thought made her smile even harder. She never had felt this way when she was with austin. This was a whole new level of happy.

After a short walk camila finally made it back to the gym and opened the door.

The lighting had been dimmed a bit and loud music was playing. Both teams were on the floor already sitting on their respective benches. Camila quickly found lauren who was looking towards the ground with her eyes closed. Clearly she was focused. Camila was happy that she had made it in time since she didn't seem to be in trouble.

The brown eyed girl made her way back to her seat.

"Took you long enough! Did you meet with lauren?" Normani questioned as lauren sat down in her seat.

Camila nodded as she contemplated telling normani everything that had happened a few minutes ago. "Yeah I did! I'm glad I managed to catch her before she went on."

Normani smiled. "Good! Well I think they're about to start the player introductions."

"How is everybody doing tonight?!" The announcer shouted, as the music that had been playing faded away, earning a roar from the crowd of 7,500.

The announcer laughed a bit. He wasn't used to having such a large number of people listening to him. After all he was only a senior himself.

"Are you guys excited?!" He shouted in his mic.

It seemed like all of the people in miami had come to support the high school team. It was amazing that the city could be so supportive for a basketball team. It just showed how much the city adored lauren.

"I can't hear you guys!" The announcer shouted once again as screams filled the gymnasium. "That's what I'm talking about! Now let's start things off by introducing The miami Varsity team.

On the miami bench only the starters were seated while the bench players were standing up in two lines forming a path for the starters to walk as they were announced.

The announcer started calling all the players before leaning over towards a teacher who was standing next to him to confirm the name.

"Now we have the bad girl of the team! The 6'0 shooting guard full of passion and skill, DINAH JANE HANSEN!" The announcer shouted.

The gym was noticeably louder for the Blonde haired shooting guard who ran through the man made path before she and becky jumped in the air banging the sides of their bodies together. She gave hailee and the other players handshakes before directing her attention towards the crowd.

Dinah gave a wink at normani who was sitting in the first row causing her to cheer even louder before she began saluting to the crowd motioning with her hands for them to get even louder. It was obvious that the crowd was loving it.

Camila laughed a bit at dinah's actions.

"Your girlfriend definitely knows how to make a scene!" Camila shouted towards normani so that her friend could hear her over the crowd.

Normani paid no attention however as she continued cheering as loudly as she could for her girlfriend.

Camila smiled happy that normani was so happy with Dinah before returning to cheering as well.

After a few more seconds Dinah finally walked towards the rest of the starters.

"Now the moment we've all been waiting for can we have a moment of silence please." The announcer stated as the crowd calmed down.

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