Chapter 5

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~*I dont own anything, everything converted to camren*~

Camila sucked in a breath as she watched Dinah's car pull away. They had just dropped her home. She looked down at her cell phone only to cringe, the time hadn't changed.

9 at night.

What was she thinking. How could she have lost track of time that badly. The girl frowned as she put her key in the door and unlocked it. Hopefully nobody would notice her and she would be able to pretend like she was home the entire time.

"KaRLA CAMILA CABELLO WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" She immediately heard her father yell as she cracked the door open.

The brown eyed girl gave a nervous smile as she closed the door, not walking inside. She needed an excuse. If she told her dad she was with some basketball players this late...She didn't even want to imagine his reaction.

Camila's eyes snapped open as the front door opened back up revealing her father. "Where have you been young lady? Your club meeting ended at 5." Alejandro questioned in a serious tone.

"Hehe...I was shopping with normani.." camila lamely replied hoping that her father would buy it.
Alejandro narrowed his eyes. "Where are your shopping bags then?"

"Well you know you guys don't give me much allowance so...It was more window shopping than anything for me." Camila countered making up her story on the fly. She was becoming a really frequent liar. The thought made her frown.

Alejandro sighed, not seeing a problem. "OK then...You should call next time. You had us worried sick. I almost thought you were out with that boyfriend of yours." he chuckled.

"Oh my god. Austin. I completely forgot, before I rushed out at the end of practice I told him that I would call him." Camila thought mad at herself for forgetting about her boyfriend.

"Can I come inside now?" Camila questioned her father as he was still blocking her path.

Alejandro realized what he was doing and quickly moved out of the way. "Sorry sweetie. Well we already ate dinner, but your mother made you a plate and put it in the fridge. Feel free to heat it up." he told his daughter as he walked away from the door.

Camila let out another breath of relief. Somehow she had managed to avoid the worst possible outcome. Not only was she with lauren, but she was with lauren that had nothing to do with her boyfriend. This was really seeming like a bad idea now.

She couldn't help, but smile however as she remembered everything her and lauren talked about. At first it just revolved around basketball, but eventually they talked about about a variety of other things. Camila had to admit it had been a long time since she had conversed with austin like that.

"WOAH!" Camila thought. The last thing she wanted to start doing was compare austin to lauren. After all they were completely different. While austin was calculative, and very organized lauren seemed like the 'go with the flow' kind of person.

"AUGH! I'm doing it again!" Camila scolded herself as she walked up towards her room. She had just met lauren why was she comparing her to her boyfriend of almost two years.

"I need a shower." Camila whispered to herself as she entered her room. "Before that though.."

Camila took out her cell phone and clicked one.

"Austin probably has been wondering where I was." Camila told herself.

The phone rang for a few minutes until it finally hit voice mail.

"Hmm...I guess he's not by his phone right now." Camila figured as she threw her phone to her bed and walked to the bathroom.

Camila looked at herself in the mirror. A few years ago she wore bows In her hair , but as she got older she figured that it looked childish so she had decided to just let her hair fall to her shoulders.

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