chapter 40

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  ~*I dont own anything, everything converted to camren*~  

sorry for any mistakes

Lauren blinked. Surely she couldn't have heard her properly.

"What?" She asked, her voice hard. She felt camila try to remove herself from her grasp, but she was determined to keep her there. "You have to break up with me?" Lauren expanded her question.

"Lauren.." camila muttered she could hear the pain in her voice at the thought. Her heart was slowly shattering, but she couldn't stop now. This was for the best. Even if she hated her at least she would be able to have her dream. "We have to.." camila said as she pushed herself out of her grasp. She knew she didn't want her to remove herself, and god she didn't want to, her body melted into her so perfectly. She felt so safe in her arms, but she had to.

"I'm sorry.." camila muttered her eyes going to the ground. She knew she couldn't look directly at lauren. Any strength she had would instantly leave if she looked into those green eyes.

"Camz, why do you Have to break up with me?" Lauren asked as she gently placed a hand on her face.

Camila was close to breaking down, she was breaking up with her and she still wasn't angry at her. Instead she had pointed out the one thing in her sentence that implied that she didn't want to go through with what she was doing. "I can't tell you..."

Lauren smiled. "So you don't want to break up with me?"

The brown eyed girl knew she had messed up. "No...I do.."

"Really? Why are you crying then?" Lauren asked seriously as she looked up and around. Everybody who had been in the hallway had already gone to class. It was just the two of them.

Camila didn't know what to say. She so badly wanted to tell lauren the truth, but she couldn't. The only thing she could think of doing was lie. Lie right through her teeth and tell lauren she wanted to go back to austin. But even though her brain kept telling her to do it, her heart prevented the words from leaving her mouth. Once she said that there was no going back. Never again would she be able to laugh and play around with the girl who became not only her best friend, but the closest person to her heart.

"I.." camila started before getting choked up on her words. This was to hard.

Lauren gave her girlfriend a sympathetic look, she wanted to help her get through whatever was going on, but she wouldn't be able to unless she told her the truth.

Tears once again came to camila's eyes, she thought about all of the great memories she had made with lauren since meeting her. From Karaoke night at dinah's cabin, to waking up at ungodly hours to help her get ready for the season, to their first date...And finally to the first kiss they shared. The kiss that felt like pure bliss.

"Camz, please stop crying. I promise if you tell me whats going on you don't have to go through it alone." Lauren tried to comfort, but her words fell on deaf ears. She couldn't tell her what was going on she loved her to much.

Yeah...She loved lauren. She was positive about that now. The prospect of losing him right now, in this moment made her feel like all the blood in her body had run cold.

She had to do it. To keep lauren's future intact she would have to be strong for both of them. "I..." She started.

She knew she had lauren's full attention. Her heart was pounding at what her reaction was going to be. She had never seen lauren have anger directed at anybody other than austin. How would she react..Would she try to fight austin? What will she think of her?

"I.." She repeated, her heart still begging her not to complete her sentence.

Lauren patiently waited for her to reveal what was going on. She wouldn't rush her.

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