Chapter 23

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~*I dont own anything, everything converted to camren*~

Saturday Night

"I can't believe your going to preform tonight camila!" Normani squealed.

"Yeah..." camila muttered. Her heart was pounding..Would she really be able to do this.

"Calm down. I'm sure you'll do fine." Shawn said in his usual happy tone.

Camila groaned a bit. "I wish lauren could come backstage. She usually knows what to say in these situations..."

Normani gave the girl a knowing smirk. "Jeez your lucky I managed to sneak back here. You should be happy about that." The dark skinned girl teased her friend.

Camila quickly tried to correct herself. "It's not that normani! I appreciate you being back here! It's just -"

Normani rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah I know you'd prefer if I was your little basketball player" she joked.

Shawn laughed at the girl's teasing. "Oh stop teasing her normani."

"Guys can you please shut up. I really don't need this right now. My heart feels like it's going to explode and you guys aren't making it any easier.

Camila had put on a nice red and black plaid skirt along with a plain black t-shirt along with a pair of long black socks. She wore her hair straight down since normani always told her it looked the best like that.

Shawn had on a pair of skin tight black jeans with a red t-shirt.

"It's alright mila, I'm sure you'll do fine. Isn't that what lauren would say right now?" Normani comforted her friend.

Camila nodded in appreciation. "I guess.."

Normani gave her friend her usual smile. "Well girl, I have to get back to the main floor. You'll do great I'll be watching from the crowd! Make me proud!"

"I'll do my best..." camila assured as normani gave her a hug before sneaking back to the main floor making sure not to be seen by security.

Camila slowly took a deep breath. "God, I want to throw up." the nervous girl stated as she sat down on the couch.

Shawn sighed as he sat down next to the girl. "Listen Mila you've worked extremely hard to make this song and it sounds amazing. So just take a deep breath and calm your nerves. I promise once you get up on that stage everything will go away." the brown haired boy tried to comfort.

Camila nodded her head. "I hope so.."

Club's Main Floor

"So how's camz doing?" Lauren questioned.

The Indigo League never played mainstream music, instead they opted to let aspiring musicians preform in order to build a name for themselves.

"She's exactly how she was in the car. I really hope she doesn't embarrass herself...You know how the audience can be when they don't like a performer.." normani answered feeling a bit nervous for her best friend.

"I know what you mean..." lauren replied although it was clear her attention was else where as she squinted into the crowd.

"Laur?" Normani questioned.

"I think I saw camila's ex by the snack bar." Lauren said trying to make sure she was right.

Normani squinted her eyes in the direction that lauren was looking and sighed as she saw austin.

"Camila won't even want to preform if she sees him here..." normani reasoned as she put a hand on her head.

Lauren shrugged her shoulders. "Well I doubt she'll see him before her performance. Do you think he somehow heard that she was preforming and came to try and talk to her?"

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