Chapter 17

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~*I dont own anything, everything converted to camren*~

Solidad stop...The play is about to start we don't have time for this!" Austin whispered harshly as he pushed the older girl off of his neck.

"Come on austin...Doesn't the thrill of being in public turn you on?" She questioned as she pushed her chest onto the boy's chest.

Austin growled as he pushed her off once again. "No it doesn't turn me on to risk being seen by camila because you can't wait for a few hours."

The two were currently backstage in the room that had been designated as austin's dressing room for the play. They still had around a hour before it was time to preform.

"Austin...I can't help it, your the one who made me like this..." Solidad whined as she continued to push herself up on Austin .

"After the play! We can go back to your place, but not now so think about something else I have to focus!" Austin said in a harsh tone struggling not to yell.

Solidad scoffed. "Whatever." she said in an annoyed tone as she left his dressing room leaving the boy alone to his thoughts.

This was it his big moment. Solidad had managed to convince scouts from LaRousse University to come watch. If he did good tonight he would definitely be on their radar during his senior year. He would finally get the chance that he had worked so hard for.

He smiled nothing was going to ruin today. He had worked far to hard for it not to happen perfectly. The teenager couldn't help, but let a smile grace his features.

"This is my night.." He muttered to himself.


"Lauren forget it! I'm not going to massage you!" Camila stated. She was currently in Dinah's car on the way to the school along with lauren and normani.

"That was a part of the deal though! If I got a 100 then you'd massage me whenever I worked out!" Lauren complained although she was smiling extremely hard.

Dinah laughed. "I can't believe you got the highest grade in the class lauser, I think you've just been pretending to be bad at math all of this time."

"Nope! I just really wanted to win this bet!" Lauren replied as she continued to look at camila.

Camila couldn't believe it a few days ago she had found out that not only did Lauren do better than her on the finals, but she had managed to answer every question correctly. What were the odds?!

"Come on camila don't be a sore loser!" Normani teased causing Lauren to look at her briefly flashing a quick smile.

"Exactly! Show some sportsmanship!" Lauren stated as she poked camila's cheek to get her to acknowledge her.

"I do not care! I refuse to massage somebody who isn't my boyfriend! You were not suppose to actually win that bet!" Camila replied as she crossed her hands on her chest. She was currently wearing a tight fitting black dress that stopped right above her knees. Austin had told her to dress up and this was her best outfit. She had a pair of heels on as well, but they weren't to tall considering she didn't want it to be hard to walk in.

Lauren simply turned her head to the window and made a scoffing sound as she began to pout like a child.

"I'll still support your workouts like I said though!" Lauren added in not wanting to completely break her promise.

The basketball player sighed in defeat. She was wearing a simple pair of jeans along with a white T-shirt not really understanding the point of dressing up for a school play.

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