Chapter 3

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~*Not Proof read*~

The Next Day at School

"Mila!" Normani shouted as she saw her brown eyed friend step off the bus.

The girl couldn't help, but smile as she saw her loud friend. "Mani. You don't have to yell." Camila informed the girl as she walked towards her.

"Yeah, yeah. Did you watch the news last night? They were talking about the game. I didn't know it would be so well covered...They were acting like it was professional basketball." Normani started as her and Camila began walking to class.

Camila nodded. "Obviously, Normani. Did you really not know how big that game was? It was televised nationally..It really is a shame that we lost." She explained to the girl.

"I guess they also talked about lauren...Wow I didn't know she was so well known? They called her the best high school player in the country...That's amazing considering she's not even a senior yet." Normani continued.

Camila was a little shocked by this, she was never the type to focus on one specific player so she never took the time to do any research on lauren. She knew she was good, but the best in the country. Wow that was pretty amazing.

"Yeah, they said if she wanted to she could probably go straight to the pros when she graduates, but she has until the end of her senior year to decide on if she'll do that or go to college." Normani told the girl as she could tell by Camila's facial expression that she hadn't known that fact.

"Did they talk about her injury? I mean she seemed to be in a lot of pain?" Camila asked as she remembered the reason why they had lost last night.

Normani nodded her head and smiled. "Yeah, they said after an examination they determined it was just a sprained ankle. She'll be fine after a few days."

Camila let out a breath of relief. From what it sounded like it seemed like lauren had a bright future ahead of her. It would be a shame if a injury caused her to miss out on it.

"Hey baby." A voice suddenly said surprising camila as they put their arm around her neck pulling her closer to him.

Camila shook off her shock as she knocked the hand off her. "I'm still mad at you austin. It was so unneeded for you to act like that last night." Camila stated as she walked a bit faster leaving austin and normani.

Normani rolled her eyes. This happened everyday. Austin did something to make camila mad so she'd try to ignore him, but eventually she'd just end up forgiving him.

"Come on. I'm sorry. I was really busy." Austin said as she sped up to catch up with his girlfriend.

"Humph." Camila stated, but she stopped walking in order to hear the boy out.

"I just wanted to talk to you austin. Is that so bad?" Camila questioned her boyfriend.

Austin looked into her eyes causing camila to blush. Since he aspired to be an actor it really wasn't all that surprising that he was attractive.

"I'm sorry. I just really want to be at my best for the play babe. Can you forgive me?" Austin questioned.

Camila sighed as she looked at her boyfriend. "I guess.." She muttered.

Austin smirked as he delivered a small peck on camila's lips."Well I'll see you after first period. I don't want to be late." Austin stated as he waved towards normani and walked away satisfied.

"I don't know why you bother trying to be mad at that boy." Normani told her friend as she walked up towards camila.

Camila sighed. "I don't know, mani..This gets really tiring. I really wish austin would spend a little bit of time with me... I really hate feeling like I come second to a play."

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