Chapter 24

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~*not proof read*~

"Austin...Isn't this considered stalking?" Brad asked his friend as they pulled up an expensive looking lounge.

Austin chuckled a bit. "Come on dude. The flyers said that camila would be preforming here tonight."

It had been over a month since camila's first performance and summer was quickly coming to a close. Austin had attended every event that camila was scheduled to preform out much to her discontent. Luckily for camila whenever austin tried to approach her, Shawn, lauren, and once Dinah had returned from her trip even she prevented the boy from getting to close.

"I'm just saying...She's an amazing singer and all, but dude...How are we going to even get in here...Unless you know somebody it's pretty much impossible." Brad stated.

"Well..Look what my father managed to get his hand on." Austin replied as he flashed two tickets in front of his friend.

Brad gave a small smirk. "I forgot your father's connections weren't to be trifled with."

Austin nodded in agreement. "It's amazing though right! She has only been preforming for a short time and an exclusive lounge like this specifically asked for her to come here I heard."

"Your scaring me dude...How did you 'hear' that." Brad asked becoming worried that his friend was becoming a bit obsessed.

"I'm not crazy brad..Everybody has been talking about it, it's only natural that I heard about it." Austin replied a bit annoyed that his friend would actually believe that he was losing his mind.

Brad chuckled. "I guess. I was about to say."

"Yeah, yeah. Come on loser, the show probably already started." Austin told his friend as he stepped out of his car.

Brad followed. The two flashed the tickets to the bouncer and he allowed them to go inside. As soon as they opened the door they were greeted by shawn beginning to play the piano.

"Great, they're just starting." Austin said in a happy tone as he found a table for him and brad to sit at.

"Now you finally tell me how you feel
Guess your words just came a little too late
All the drama boy it's overkill
Don't be mad at me cause you've been replaced, know your place"

"Seems like a new song, I don't recall her singing this before." Brad said as camila began singing.

Austin nodded in agreement although the lyrics slightly bothered him. Was camila singing about him?

"But if you woulda maned up, put your hand up, stand up
Tell me how you really felt
Then maybe it'd be different
If you spoke I would've listened
But now I'm with somebody else
And he loves me, too much for me to mess this up
And it sucks to be all in your head, wondering
Where this thing could go, but..."

Camila's eyes scanned the crowd as she sang. She wasn't extremely surprised to see austin in the crowd. He clearly intended to come to all of her performances. They locked eyes for a few seconds. She had written this song with austin's actions during her first performance in mind. At least he would get to hear it's debut.

"You will never know"

Camila's eyes never left austin's as she said the line of the song.

After she sang the line she allowed her eyes to drift to the rest of the crowd. Shawn had told her multiple times that eye contact was important when performing.

"What we could have been
If you would've shown (ha, whoa)
Your way back then
Boy you gotta (yep, yep)
Boy you shoulda (yep, yep)
Cause you didn't know, so
Now you'll never know
You'll never know"

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