Chapter 30

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~I dont own anything, Everything converted to Camren~

"Absolutely brilliant performance you two." Dinah's father said a smile plastered on his face.

Dinah smirked as she wrapped an arm around normani who was standing next to her. "I told you dad this is our year!"

The game had ended 10 minutes ago and most people had already begun leaving the school with the exception of the basketball team. Most of them heading to The Indigo League. Which had pretty much became the unofficial after party location.

"It was really exciting lauren, you guys had Mr. Hansen and I on the edge of our seats the whole game!" Lauren's mom laughed a bit as she congratulated her daughter as well for her first win of the season.

Lauren grinned. "Thanks mom."

"Don't think I didn't see camila's little congratulations to you afterwards." Clara teased causing the brown eyed girl who had been standing next to lauren to blush.

dinah's mom chuckled. "Oh, Clara it's young love. You two live life as I like to say."

Normani and dinah at this point were rolling in laughter as the two older adults teased their friends.

Lauren was happy that her mom didn't have a problem with Camila, but lord knows she didn't want to deal with all the teasing.

"Ah Mija there you are." A masculine voice said catching the group's attention.

Camila was a bit confused as to who had said that, her eyes found her family. "Oh dad. I was going to come see you guys before we left." She said as her family approached her.

"Oh is this your family Camila?" Clara asked as she held out her hand which Alejandro shook followed by Sinu. "Camila is such a wonderful girl." Clara politely complimented.

"Thank you. You must be Lauren's mother?" Sinu deduced as she shook the woman's hand.

As the two women spoke Alejandro approached Lauren. "Great game lauren!" He complimented.

"It was amazing! The comeback at the end! Oh my god! I don't think my heart could have pumped more blood if it tried!" Sofi added in obviously she hadn't calmed down since the game ended.

Camila laughed a bit at her sister.

"Haha, Well we have a good team this year, so you can expect us to win a lot more this season." Lauren replied.

Alejandro nodded in agreement.

The group had a quick discussion before Lauren and Dinah cited that they had to leave in order to have a team meeting in the locker room before they would be able to leave.

"Alright guys..Dinah do not be late!" Camila warned causing the blonde haired girl to chuckle.

Lauren rolled her eyes. "We also need to that I think about it, We will try to be quick though." she informed them knowing that they couldn't go to the club after sweating like dogs for the past 2 hours.

"I agree..I didn't want to say anything...but.." Normani teased as she put her hand up to her nose as she nudged Dinah away from her causing the group to laugh.

"Yeah, yeah come on Laur!" Dinah said as she finished laughing at Normani's joke as she began to the locker room.

Lauren nodded at Dinah before turning to Camila and smirking.

Camila was going to ask what she was smirking about, but she didn't get the chance as she felt Camila's lips lightly meet hers for another chaste kiss.

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