Chapter 49

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"Lucy.." lauren muttered at her words as she broke the kiss. she had known exactly what they were doing, but now that she had confirmed it she was feeling a lot more conscious of the actions.

she needed to stop this...It wasn't right, lucy was feeling vulnerable and she was basically taking advantage of that. But...she wanted this. Her body was responding to everything lucy was doing. The way she gently pulled on her hair or the small whimpers she would make as she pulled her closer. lauren had never been in this kind of situation before.

she had no idea what she was doing, but it seemed like lucy was satisfied with her actions so far. It wasn't until lucy began playing with the hem of her shorts did lauren finally come out of her lustful trance.

"Lucy..We can't..." lauren forced herself to say. God knows she didn't want to. she liked to think of herself as a good guy, but even she could only take so much temptation.

But she couldn't do this. she couldn't have sex with lucy while knowing she was vulnerable and also knowing she couldn't even say she loved her.

"lauren..I don't care about camila. I don't care...I don't care if our feelings aren't mutual...I.." lucy's voice was breaking lauren's heart. Did she really love her that much? she knew lucy wouldn't do this for anybody. In fact she had told her that she had only done it with one other person and she had believed she was in love back then.

"lucy you'll regret this..." lauren tried to convince although she knew her tone wasn't helping her case as lucy began delivering small kisses down her torso.

lucy stopped her descent and came back up to lauren's eyes. "laur...I would never regret doing this with you...Even if you never came to love me...This memory..." She paused as she gave her a peck on the lips. "Will always be one of the best of my life..."

lauren was conflicted. Part of her knew she had to stop this...she knew it was wrong...she didn't care so much that it would be her first time, but she did care that she wasn't fully invested in lucy...How could she have sex with her while still thinking about camila...It was wrong on so many levels.

But lucy wanted this...She seemed to sure. lucy wouldn't make a decision like this without being fully prepared about what that would mean. This wasn't a simple kiss no it was connecting. It was something that lauren knew meant lucy was giving everything to her.

lauren's thoughts ended as she felt lucy's hand slip into her shorts and skim the top of her underwear. she knew she felt how much she wanted this. "lucy.." lauren groaned out as she continued teasing her.

If this was ever going to stop, it was going to have to stop now.

Right before lauren could say something however lucy sat up and in a quick fluid motion she removed her tank top revealing the fact that she didn't wear a bra to bed. lauren's heart stopped.

The word beautiful really didn't do lucy justice.

"lauren, I love you.." lucy said before she straddled lauren's lap and pulled her up towards her. Her breast were pressed against hers as she ignited another passionate kiss.

That was it.

lauren broke the kiss and gently pushed lucy away from her and redirected her eyes unable to look directly at her due to her nudity.

"I can't do this lucy...I can't...not to you." lauren muttered.

she didn't even want to look at lucy right now because she knew she had hurt her. she knew that she had just put herself out there and for her to reject her had to be embarrassing.

"laur...I told you..I won't regret this.." lucy tried to reason in a small voice.

lauren shook her head. "You say that now, but lucy I can't even say that I love you back...You mean to much for me to just sleep with you in a moment of passion..."

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