Chapter 14

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~*I dont own anything, everything converted to camren*~

"Come on lauren! regular people do regular things. Your not regular are you?" The coach yelled to his player as lauren ran down the court and completed a right hand layup.

"No Sir!" Lauren replied as she ran down the court again to the opposite goal to complete a left handed layup.

Lauren was breathing heavily they had been in the gym since 7 am.

It was now 8:10, class started at 9.

Dinah yawned as she opened the gym door and walked inside not surprised to see lauren and the coach working. Even though the season was over, it was no secret that lauren was going to be working as if they had a game tomorrow.

"Stop!" The coach shouted as he passed lauren a second basketball. "Lemme see you dribble, come on both at the same time." He told lauren.

Lauren didn't reply as she immediately began dribbling both balls at the same time, one in her right hand and the other with her left.

"Come on lauren move those feet." The coach commanded as he began to move how he wanted lauren to.

Lauren didn't need to be told as she began walking backwards and forward again without stopping her dribble.

"Keep it up! How good do you wanna be lauren, It's all on you. Come on." The coach spoke to encourage his best player.

Dinah smiled at the scene. Lauren's work ethic really was admirable, even demi the team captain didn't work nearly as hard. The blonde haired girl's attention soon drifted to the girl who was sitting on the bleachers watching the scene. She smirked, Why was camila here?

"Hey mila!" Dinah shouted as she walked towards the girl who had turned her attention to her.

"Oh hey DJ." She said as the girl sat down next to her.

"So, why are you here? Sure your boyfriend won't see you?" She questioned the smirk never leaving her face.

Camila just shrugged. "My bus came ridiculously early today so I figured I'd tell lauren good luck on her final today. I figured she might be in here, but she hasn't stopped once in order for me to speak..It's really amazing.." She replied.

"Are you tired lauren?! You look tired do you wanna rest?!" The coach screamed attracting dinah and camila's attention.

Lauren didn't reply as she continued dribbling the ball.

"Of course not! Being tired is for those people who don't want to be successful! Ask pro players when do they sleep! Do you know what they'll say." The coach continued.

"What will they say coach?!" Lauren shouted back although she was completely focused on her drill.

"They'll say that they don't! You have to want success more than you want sleep!" He replied.

Camila was completely into lauren's training. "Wow...This is really hardcore, the basketball coach is really tough huh."

Dinah shrugged her shoulders. "He's only like that with lauren, because he knows how much potential she has."

"Wow..lauren really does work hard."

Dinah looked at camila strangely. "Did you doubt it? Lauren didn't get as good as she is by blind luck. She's worked for everything."

Lauren clenched her eyes as she felt her legs get weak from all of the movement, her coach noticed.

"Does it hurt lauren? Well that pain is temporary! It will subside!" He began shouting once more.

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