Chapter 15

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~*I dont own anything, everything converted to camren*~

Now where have you been this morning mila? Austin and I were looking for you. Eventually he gave up and just went to class." Normani asked her friend as she saw camila who had just walked into the classroom. They still had 10 minutes until class started.

"I was in the basketball gym." Camila answered causing normani to narrow her eyes at her friend.

"With your other 'partner' huh?." Normani stated not bothering to ask why.

Camila sighed. "Normani stop that. I just wanted to tell her good luck before we take the final, and when I got there she was working out so I just watched for a few minutes."

Normani smirked as she rose an eyebrow. "You watched? An attractive basketball player work out."

Camila groaned as she put her head on the desk "I know don't say it, as soon as I said it out loud I realized how it sounded."

"Why couldn't you have just waited until she came to class to say good luck. You guys are in the same class you know." Normani continued poking holes in camila's story.

Camila didn't reply as she put her hands on top of her head. "I know! I guess I just wanted to see her since I got here so early and I didn't know anybody else." she admitted.

Normani laughed. "Your so cute when your confused mila."

Camila didn't give her best friend a reply.

"You and lauren seem to be getting pretty close though...You told me the situation that happened between her and austin, but aren't you worried..If you two continue to get closer eventually austin is going to find out...Either that or your going to end up cheating." Normani said bluntly although she was making sure to speak in a tone so only camila could hear her not wanting the entire class to hear her.

Camila quickly got offended. "Why would I cheat on austin? Lauren and I are just friends."

"Mila, I'm just being honest...From what you've told me I think it's safe to say lauren has feelings for you...I find it hard to believe she'd become so close to a girl that she didn't like." Normani explained with a shrug, to her it was blatantly obvious.

"I think I'd know if she had feelings for me Mani. Lauren is the kind of person who'd tell me her feelings completely confident that I'd return them." Camila replied.

Normani rolled her eyes at her friend's ignorance. "Unless she isn't completely confident that you'd return them."

"Mani please stop. I don't want to complicate this more then it already is by thinking lauren likes me..." camila replied to her friend as she lifted her head off of her desk.

"Alright...I'm just saying though, I hope you know what your doing." Normani said as her attention turned to the girl who had just walked in. "Speak of the devil.." normani said as she admired the the star basketball player. "Your so lucky that somebody like her likes you mila." Normani said to her friend causing camila to just blush who had also realized how good looking lauren was.

"Shut it.." She muttered as she placed her head back on her table trying to hide her blush.

Soon the teacher entered the room, he didn't say much as the class got quiet as everybody mentally prepared themselves for the final.

Camila looked at lauren who smirked at her and mouthed words which she barely managed to under stand.

"My back gets tense after workouts."

Camila rolled her eyes, but couldn't stop the smile from appearing on her face as she turned her head not wanting to be distracted by the basketball player.

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