Chapter 19

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~*I dont own anything, everything converted to camren*~

This was such a great idea!" Normani shouted as she held her head out of dinah's car window.

Dinah smirked. Normani had did exactly what she thought and had convinced camila to come on the trip to their private cabin. Camila had told her parents that she would be spending the week at normani's house and they believed that easily enough. Dinah had no idea what normani had told her parents, but obviously she had it handled.

Lauren looked towards the backseat and smiled as she saw camila staring out of the window with a small smile on her face as she watched the scenery. They had been driving for over a hour and were finally getting close to the cabin. The forest was absolutely beautiful, undisturbed by humans.

"Mila aren't you excited that you decided to come?" Normani questioned her friend her excitement showing.

Camila nodded, she would be lying if she said she hadn't thought about austin, but packing and lying to her parents definitely helped it not be on her mind as much. "Yeah, I'm excited to see this cabin that lauren bragged so much about." she replied to her best friend.

"Oh it is! Trust me, you guys won't want to leave after this week! I always find myself wanting to stay." Dinah stated. She was just as excited as normani.

Lauren laughed, happy that everybody seemed to be excited about the trip, after a long school year it was always fun to relax for a few days. Well for her and Dinah this would be more training then relaxing, but it was still better than school.

Everybody looked towards camila as her cell phone began ringing for what seemed like the 10th time since they began their trip.

The brown eyed girl looked at her phone and frowned, it was austin. For the last two days he had been calling nonstop. She contemplated picking it up a few times, but just figured eventually he'd get the point that she didn't want to speak to him. She quickly swiped ignore on her phone.

"You should let me answer that call. I bet he'll stop." Dinah stated causing lauren to slap the back of her head.

"Stop always trying to fight somebody." Lauren told the girl.

Dinah chucked. "Oh yes, this is coming from the girl who actually threw a punch."

Camila and normani laughed while lauren just sighed and laid back in her seat.

"It's ok lauren, I'm sure camila appreciates what you did now." Normani said as she put her hand on lauren's shoulder before looking at camila.

Camila gave a sarcastic laugh causing lauren to look at her with a questioning expression.

"I'm laughing because I just thought about how you said it was lame fighting for girls, but yet you definitely fought austin for me." Camila said as she saw lauren's expression.

Lauren blushed as she turned back around in her seat. "It was in the moment kind of thing."

"Right. It would have sucked if you actually loss that fight though." Dinah added in causing to chuckle lauren at the girl.

"Well if she had loss then I'm sure Mila here would have helped her recover from her injuries." Normani continued to tease causing the brown eyed girl to blush.

Camila shook her head quickly. "As if! If she had loss We could have just cried about our wounds together." She joked causing lauren to roll her eyes.

The rest of the ride was full of laughter as the friends attempted to make camila feel better about her breakup. Soon enough the crew arrived at a large wooden house. Normani was the first to speak as they pulled in the yard.

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