Chapter 47

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Sorry for any mistakes,
Not proof read

"lauren is completely dominating." lucy stated the obvious as she sat down next to the coach.

They had made it to the coach's office and after a short introduction the coach asked lauren if she would be willing to play a scrimmage with the rest of miami University. Of course lauren was eager to accept and it didn't take more than a few minutes for her to change into some shorts and a t-shirt that the school provided.

The coach didn't give a verbal reply as she wrote something down on the sheet of paper attached to her clipboard.

"Demi!" lauren shouted gaining lucy's attention.

She watched as lauren called her former captain's name as if she were intending to pass her the ball, but surprisingly after a unexpected ball fake lauren preformed a behind the back pass to a wide open teammate who obviously hadn't been expecting the ball at all.

"Woah." The young woman muttered as she barely manage to catch the pass. Despite the fact that it was a behind the back pass it still had a lot of heat on it.

The coach watched the play with raised eyebrows also surprised by the pass. but she hadn't believed that lauren saw her as well. "Isn't lauren right handed?" she directed her question towards lucy.

lucy smiled. "lauren is ambidextrous, most people don't know that though and assume that she is right handed."

The coach shook her head a bit clearly amazed by the revelation. she wasn't sure she had ever seen a player with as much potential as lauren. The high school senior was playing with the bench squad and they were actually winning against her starters. It was unbelievable. The game just came so naturally to the girl.

With camila

"camila..I said are you willing to go through with this?" James repeated after his question went unanswered the first time.

The brunette still didn't reply however as she continued to stare at the photo that James was showing her. She didn't know how to feel. The reasonable side of her brain told her that there is probably more to the story than what James was telling her, but the insecure side of her brain was telling her that lauren had moved on that quickly.

"Mila, I'm sure lauren has a good reason for this." shawn assured as he looked at the girl who he had been helping for the last few months.

normani quickly caught on and agreed. "That's right Mila! lauren definitely loves you, she wouldn't go to lucy just because you guys broke up."

As the words came out of normani's mouth camila came to a realization. She couldn't blame lauren at all. She was the one who had broken up with her. She had stepped on her heart. She had lied to her when she should have just told the truth from the very beginning.

But even though she knew she had started it...

Even though she knew she should try and learn more about the photo before jumping to conclusions.

The anger that was building inside her was quickly matching the sadness.

"I have to think about it.." camila finally answered causing both of her friend's eyes to widen in shock.

"camila! You can't be serious right? You can't really want to accuse lauren of this bullshit right?" shawn shouted as he stood up in the limo.

normani looked at her friend with sympathetic eyes. She couldn't believe that camila would even consider doing this. That picture must have really hurt her.

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