Chapter 48

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"You have to be kidding..." lauren muttered as she rubbed her face in frustration.

she and lucy were currently standing in the room that miami University had provided and they were both realizing that the housing director hadn't been lying when she told them that they only had one single dorm Available. Apparently the latest class was the largest freshman class in the school's history.

Demi had been wise enough to warn Lucy that she should let the director believe that lauren would be in the room alone if she wanted to be able to stay with the girl without any difficulties. Luckily the director hadn't recognized lucy either since that would have been an extra problem that lucy really didn't want to have to deal with.

Of course the mere thought of sharing the same room with lauren was enough to get lucy to be quiet and look at the floor to hide her blush during the meeting with the director completely ignoring the scowl that the situation brought to Bruno's face. Once lauren received the key along with the housing information for the night lucy convinced Bruno to rent a hotel room for himself. Of course Bruno attempted to convince her to rent a room as well, but the girl was adamant that she wanted to hang out with lauren and she was positive that it was going to be a late night she didn't want to force Bruno to have to stay with them while they had their fun. Of course the real reason was that she wanted to spend as much time with lauren as possible, but she knew saying that would make it even harder to convince the muscular man.

Bruno also didn't like the idea of leaving lauren in charge of protecting lucy. He didn't even want to imagine what would happen if people recognized her... Just the thought made Bruno even more positive that he didn't like leaving. Of course eventually lucy informed the man that it was her decision and not his. She felt bad about being so harsh, but she hated when Bruno treated her like a child. To make it up to the man she gave him her black card and told him to enjoy the night his own way on her. lucy wasn't worried about Bruno being to extravagant either, she had a feeling he was the kind of man to buy a bottle of alcohol for himself and play spades in his room while eating a bowl of nails.

After finally convincing Bruno to leave Demi led them to the room that Lauren had been provided. The building was extremely nice although amazingly not to many people were around to notice lauren and Lucy's arrival. Demi told them that was because  maimi University held it's students to an extremely high standard during the day a lot of the students spent their time in the library or in their room studying. lauren laughed at that mentally praising the lord that she had no intentions on attending college. High school was hard enough. Once they got to the room demi told them to get comfortable and be ready to go out at around eight. she warned the two that it was going to be a hectic night and advised that they got some rest, especially lauren. After that she exited the room and that's where we find lauren and lucy now.

"One bed and one couch...I bet I can guess which one I get." lauren jokingly stated after noticing lucy hadn't said anything about her earlier comment.

lauren didn't really mind sleeping on the couch since whenever she didn't stay at dinah's she slept on the couch anyways at her own home. The young basketball player however didn't notice the frown that her words brought to lucy's face.

"You can take the bed. I really don't min-" lucy started before the sound of lauren dropping her stuff on the ground and slamming her body on the couch inturrupting her.

"Oh shut up, we both know I'm not going to let you sleep on the couch luce." lucy said in a nonchalant voice.

lucy looked at the lauren and chuckled at how comfortable she was with her. Not to many told her to shut up even if they were joking, but she liked that closeness that her and lauren had. "laur come on. It really isn't that big of a deal. After that practice I'm sure you want to lay in a real bed plus this is really your room it would be rude of me to take the bed." lucy tried to convince the girl.

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