Chapter 31

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~*I dont own anything, everything converted to camren*~

15 minutes Later In Dinah's Car

"Looks like it's going to be a tougher season then we thought." Dinah said as they got onto the road.

Lauren just rolled her eyes. "Tell me about it. I have a feeling it's only going to get tougher from here."

Dinah laughed a bit. "Well let's handle the issues as they come. I think we need to focus on this performance I have tonight."

"What about it?" Lauren questioned.

"This is a huge dude. I have to make it as exciting as possible."

Lauren gave a small chuckle. "You do remember it's camila's show not yours right."

"Well of course, still though." Dinah replied.

"Just do your best dude. I really want this night to go perfect for camz." Lauren stated.

Dinah smiled. "Yeah I hear you dude."

Lauren nodded, but didn't reply.

"Sprung ass..." dinah muttered causing lauren to playfully push her shoulder.

The two girls laughed, but stopped as they approached The Indigo League.

"Wow...Dude...I knew a lot of people watched that show...but this is kind of crazy right..." dinah said in awe as she looked at all of the traffic. The parking lot for the club was already crowded and a lot of people had begun parking across the street.

Lauren nodded unable to find her voice. She knew that it would be crowded, but to think that this many people would show up was honestly amazing.

"Dude! Look at that a Limo!" Dinah exclaimed as she slowly drifted through the traffic.

Lauren looked towards the direction that dinah was looking and eventually located the Limo. "Wow..Somebody pretty important must be coming..Who do you think it is?"

Dinah shrugged as she continued to look out of the window. "Who knows...Could be some big name record executive..."

"I doubt it...A few agents might show up, but I hardly think my announcement on the show would bait big name record executives here..." lauren replied. Despite how popular she was there was a limit to what she could do.

Soon the line to get inside the club became visible causing lauren and dinah to cringe.

"We'll never get inside if we have to wait in that..." lauren muttered to her best friend who just nodded in agreement.

Dinah luckily managed to find a parking spot that was a short walk away from teen club. "Maybe the bouncer will let us skip the line..You know since I'm a part of camila's show."

Lauren hummed showing that she also hoped that would be the case.

"Something wrong?" Dinah questioned.

Lauren sighed. "I hope all these people don't crowd me..." The basketball player said in a timid voice. She hadn't even thought about how so many people would probably attend in hopes to see her.

The blonde haired girl laughed, she hadn't even thought about that. "You'll be alright." Dinah offered.

Lauren muttered something under her breath before she opened the door as dinah put the vehicle in park and took out the key.

"Let's just hurry up and get inside..." lauren said as she stuffed her hands inside her pockets and began walking towards the club.

With camila Backstage

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