Chapter 27

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~*I dont own anything, everything converted to camren*~

TV Studio

"OK lauren! I can't believe you actually admitted to liking camila on national television!" Dinah told her friend as lauren came backstage.

Lauren laughed as she gave her best friend a handshake. "I didn't plan to...but hey now it can either blow up in my face or be the start of something great."

Dinah nodded in agreement as the two made their way to the parking lot to leave. "Don't bring it up when you see her. Let her mention it. That'll tell you if she feels the same way because she won't bring it up if she doesn't."

"Hopefully she doesn't think I'm talking about somebody else. That would be pretty bad too." Lauren stated.

Dinah shrugged. "Mila is pretty smart, besides you don't even talk to other girls so it should be pretty obvious."

Lauren chuckled. "I guess your right about that."

Dinah rolled her eyes. "I wouldn't call that a good thing, but you know whatever makes you happy dude."

"Your one to talk. How long has it been since you flirted with another girl other than Normani." Lauren teased her friend.

"Well shes my girlfriend so it's not as strange." Dinah retaliated.

It was true normani and dinah had sparked a relationship after their first date making it clear that they wanted to be official.

"Just the fact that dinah jane is only flirting with one girl is strange regardless of the circumstances." Lauren laughed as they made it to dinah's car.

The blonde haired girl just laughed as she also got in.

"We had to skip practice today just to come here plus we have a game tomorrow we have to get at least a little bit of work at the gym before we get some sleep." Dinah informed lauren.

Lauren hummed causing dinah to look at her having expected the girl to agree with no questions asked.

"What you have other plans?" Dinah questioned.

"Well...I was hoping you'd take mr by camila's house... I want to talk to her." Lauren replied.

Dinah sighed. "Jesus, alright we'll go there first since it'll clearly be on your head."

"I appreciate it."

Dinah just grunted in agreement as they began driving towards the camila's house.

Camila's House

Camila let out a breath of relief. Shawn had been watching the show to and as soon as he heard lauren's statement he had called the manager at The Indigo League to book them. The manager willingly obliged since it was also a lot of publicity for his already popular club.

Now what song could she preform. Shawn had plenty of songs to pick from a lot of which he had yet to preform so he could always have something new for fans, but she had only written three songs since she started and she had already preformed two of them.

Camila sighed the last song she had written she knew was probably her best, but she had written it while she still held a lot of anger towards Austin. camila had begged lauren to write the rest of the lyrics since she knew she was actually pretty good, but the girl declined citing she wouldn't be able to produce the nerve.

When Camila finally had given up on convincing Lauren to sing she finally settled for Dinah who was more than happy to write the verse.

It actually came out a lot better then she had expected it to, but there were still two problems with it.

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