Chapter 43

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~*I dont own anything, everything converted to camren*~

here it is guys sorry for any mistakes

11:30 P.M

"Guess I better go check and make sure she made it home alright..Hopefully lucy talked some sense into her and offered her a ride." dinah said to herself with an annoyed sigh.

dinah couldn't even blame lauren for having a bad game. To find out that the girl you were falling in love with went back to her ex had to be brutal.

"Well if anybody can get through to her lucy should be able to." dinah continued as she got off on lauren's exit. Her eyes briefly noticed a car that looked extremely similar to the car lucy's drove in, but didn't think much of it as it drove by her.

It didn't take much longer before dinah found herself in front of lauren's apartment. A few shady people were walking around, but as she stepped out of the car they simply nodded their head in acknowledgement as if they were approving of her being there so late. dinah nodded back though not saying anything, knowing that even though she knew these people they still wouldn't hesitate to ignite an issue if she angered them.

dinah walked up to lauren's door and instead opted to call the raven haired girl instead of knocking not wanting to risk waking lauren's mother. Luckily she picked up relatively quickly.

"Hey, I'm outside. You made it home right?"

dinah heard shuffling from inside of the apartment so she didn't need a verbal reply as lauren's door opened revealing lauren in nothing, but a white t-shirt and a pair of shorts.

"What's up."she leaned against the door frame.

dinah didn't reply, but instead forced her way inside causing lauren to chuckle as she closed the door. dinah sat on the couch and sighed loudly. lauren leaned against the closed door with an raised eyebrow.

"You alright?" lauren found it a bit ironic that dinah was the one who looked stressed when in actuality she hadn't been through nearly as much as her to her knowledge in the last few hours.

"I should be asking you that."  she had sensed the irony lauren had found in the situation. "I heard about camila and austin.."

 "Oh, you heard about that huh...Guess mani must have told you."

dinah nodded. "Listen forget her m-" lauren held up a hand signaling her to stop.

"lucy told me that she loved me tonight." lauren interrupted, wanting dinah to have a full understanding on her situation.

dinah blinked a few times as if she hadn't heard lauren. "She what?" she questioned.

"lucy...Said...She...Loves...Me." breaking up her simple sentence into multiple parts just in case dinah was having a hard time comprehending them.

dinah stood up from the couch and approached lauren causing her to look at her in confusion. Finally dinah's hands touched lauren's shoulders. "That's great! I was just telling normani that I hoped lucy confessed!"

dinah's words confirmed lauren's belief that the blonde haired girl had known about lucy's feelings. she could only assume that lucy had told her when they were having that brief conversation alone at her condo.

lauren knocked dinah's hands off her shoulders and sighed. "I don't even want to know why you were telling normani that...Besides I don't know what to do...Obviously I still want to get back together with camila, but I can't just ignore lucy's feelings."

dinah's expression changed a bit. "What do you mean you want to get back together with camila? She dumped you! To get back together with austin!"

lauren motioned for dinah to lower her tone knowing that her mother was asleep. "Yeah, I know what she did, but don't you think if austin could convince her to take her back I could do the same?"

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