Chapter 33

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~*I dont own anything, everything converted to camren*~

With Austin

"You still haven't told me how you plan to help me get camila back." Austin said his interest still peaked.

Harley put his hand through his hair and sighed. Should he tell austin what he had deduced about camila. It would be pretty cruel to give him hope and then find out lauren had really actually just moved into the miami. Before he tells austin he should confirm his thoughts. He was bored anyways.

"I'll tell you in a few days, I have to look into a few things." Harley replied as he walked towards the door. "Don't say I never did anything for you." He said before he left the house leaving austin alone to deal with his thoughts.

Austin just sighed as he leaned into the couch. He didn't know what to expect, his brother could have something completely reasonable planned, but he wouldn't put it past Harley to do something completely unorthodox either. "Damn…Why is my last year of high school so stressful?" Austin mumbled to himself.

After a few minutes of sulking the boy finally stood up. "I guess I should take a shower or something." He said out loud.

With camila

"Kaki I can't believe syco might be interested in you!"sofi shouted in an excited tone.

Camila laughed at her little sister's excitement. She and her family had already left the club. She had opted to just go home with them instead of normani since it would be more convenient.

"Yeah, but remember unlike shawn's deal mine isn't guaranteed or anything. If simon doesn't like me I'll be back at square one." Camila explained.

"That's true, but I'm sure after seeing you tonight, there is no way simon won't be able to see your talent." Alejandro complimented his daughter, his tone showing the pride he had in her talent.

Camila's mom also expressed her opinion on the matter, which mirrored her husband's.

Camila smiled, happy that she had her family's support.

The rest of the ride mostly consisted of the cabello family talking about if camila was nervous during her performance, teasing camila on her kiss with lauren in front of everybody, and finally camila had explained how lauren was childhood friends with the supermodel lucy and how she had a chance to meet her.

"Wow it really seems that lauren has left a very large mark on your life already." Sinu commented noticing how it seemed that everything her daughter did these days involved that girl.

Camila blushed. "Well, I guess…lauren is just really supportive and she's helping me do the things that there is no way I would have been able to do alone. I really can't thank her enough."

"I'm sure you've thanked her plenty." Sofi teased with a knowing smirk causing camila to hit the top of her head not bothering to look at her, since she didn't want her to get the satisfaction of knowing her comment had rattled her.

Alejandro laughed a bit. "Sofi come on stop teasing your sister."

Sofi simply groaned in response as she rubbed her head causing her father to give another hearty laugh.

Soon the family arrived home and camila quickly made it to her room, trying to avoid having her family tease her any longer. She quickly stripped down and took a well-deserved hot shower.

She sighed in content as the warm water hit her skin. She hadn't even noticed how long of a day it had been. With all the excitement of lauren's first game of the season, her performance, and then learning that lauren was friends with a famous model had completely wore her out.

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