Chapter 7

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~*I dont own anything, everything converted to camren*~

"Do you get it?" Camila questioned as she put down her pencil.

"Umm...I think.. God why did math have to get so complicated. I miss back when it only involved numbers." Lauren moaned as she placed her head on her paper in annoyance.

Camila laughed at the girl's statement. "It's funny because you probably won't ever need this stuff considering you already know how you'll be making a living."

"Exactly..." lauren replied in a bored tone. "Alright that's enough for today. Let's get in the pool!" Lauren shouted as she stood up wincing a bit as she had forgotten that her ankle was still injured.

"Calm down, lo. Your going to cause your injury to take even longer to heal." Camila voiced her opinion.

Lauren smiled at the nickname then shrugged her shoulders. "I'll be right back. I have a pair of swim suit in the house. Nobodies out here so you can change out here..I mean if you don't mind. Your free to use a bathroom or something."

Camila shook her head. "That's fine. I wore my swimsuit under my clothing so I can change out here."

Lauren just nodded as she used her crutches to walk into the room in order to change. Camila quickly took off her shirt and pants revealing a blue bikini. The top piece had a black strap in the middle

It took lauren a few minutes before she finally came back outside in a pair of a simple red swimsuit

Camila blushed a bit as she got a view of her body. They were nothing like austin's who hadn't worked out a day in his life. Lauren's were instead very defined, there wasn't a crazy amount of muscle, but there was enough and it was in all the right places.

"You ready Camz?" Lauren questioned snapping camila out of her thoughts as she slowly walked to the pool sitting herself on the edge placing her feet in the water.

Camila nodded as she sat down next to her. The section of the pool that they were in was only 5 ft so if she fell in she would still be able to stand.

"The water should help me walk despite my ankle, so come on." Lauren informed camila.

The blush on Camila's face returned full force as her eyes drifted on Lauren's body. She was sitting down, so her abs weren't clearly visible, but they were obviously there and they probably would look amazing once she stood up.

"Like what you see?" Lauren teased as she stepped fully in the pool shivering a bit as the cold water touched her body.She was tall so most of her chest was still visible despite her being in the water and just like camila had thought her body would put most girls to shame.

Camila ignored the girl as she stepped into the water as well. She knew she saw her blush and ogle at her so there was no point in humoring it. After all she didn't want to seem like she was flirting with her.

"Alright Camz. Let's start with something easy." Lauren began as she came closer to Camila and grabbed her hands causing the girl to blush once again. "No matter what I do, don't freak out. If you freak out it'll make it a lot harder. Trust me..." lauren warned her as she began leading her to the deeper section of the pool.

Camila could feel her heart pounding as the water slowly got higher and higher and eventually she could no longer touch the floor. Lauren was now holding her waist keeping her head above the water.

"OK...Good you didn't freak out. Now I need you to kick your legs back and forth. Slowly." Lauren muttered as she looked at camila. She was looking down at the water concentrating on moving her feet.

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