Chapter 39

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  ~*I dont own anything, everything converted to camren*~  

Minutes slowly became hours as dinah, lucy, lauren, and clara caught up. It wasn't until the sound of a loud cop car driving by their building that they realized how late it was. Police officers were as common as grass in aeston especially at night.

Dinah looked at her watch "Damn it's ten pm already. I gotta get home." She said with a small amount of hesitation. She was really enjoying herself.

Lucy's smiling face instantly died down as she realized she would have to leave with dinah. She was tempted to ask to sleep over like she used to, but she knew it would be crossing the line since lauren had a girlfriend. "Come on dinah, let's stay a bit longer." She pleaded in a sweet tone trying to hide just how much she didn't want to go.

"Nah, dinah's right it's getting late and I'll sleep better at night knowing you two weren't out any later than your already going to be." Lauren replied before dinah had the chance. She didn't notice the effect her words had on lucy.

Even though she understood why lauren had said the statement it still felt like she was trying to rush her out. "I guess..." She muttered.

Dinah sighed if only she knew how lucy felt she would have found a better way to word her previous statement.

"Well, it's been nice talking Mrs. Jauregui, I hope we can do this again." Lucy said as she stood up off the small couch. She had felt bad when she remembered that the couch was lauren's bed, but she decided not to dwell on that fact. She hated feeling pity for lauren because she knew she didn't want it.

Clara smiled brightly, walking over to lucy and gave her a hug. "Please do." The older woman stated.

Lauren smiled happy that her mom enjoyed lucy's company. When she thought about it she really didn't have many friends outside of dinah's family since lucy's mom died, and lauren understood why. Her mother was very picky with who she associated with mostly to keep bad influences out of her life and she was grateful for it even though she knew it caused her to be lonely sometimes.

"Well I'm sure lauren can bring camila over sometimes as well. She is a really sweet girl." Lucy responded although she wasn't sure why she had brought up camila. Maybe it was because she was envious and deep down she wanted lauren's mother to say she'd rather talk to her.

As the thought crossed lucy's mind she felt sick. Her feelings for lauren were not going to make her become a spiteful person.

"Oh you met camila? She is a sweet girl! I'm so happy for lauren and her." Clara agreed not noticing the expression on lucy's face.

Dinah cringed. Lucy was probably going through a lot emotionally right now, but she had nobody to blame, but herself this time. She had chosen to bring up camila knowing what could possibly happen. It was still hard to watch.

"Oh my gosh! I haven't talked to camila since this afternoon! God! I hope she's not mad!" Lauren suddenly screamed as she whipped out her phone and dialed camila's number feeling horrible that she had been so caught up with her friends that her girlfriend had completely skipped her mind.

That was lucy's cue to leave. "Well Goodnight you guys." She offered a wave before she motioned for dinah to come. She knew the blonde haired girl would understand why she was in such a rush to leave now. The last thing she wanted to see was lauren talk to camila. This was going to be a lot harder than she previously thought.

Yesterday she had believed she could just be happy for lauren, but hearing her mother have nothing, but praise for the girl and lauren being so worried about making her angry made her want to cry. She wasn't normally this sensitive, but lauren's effect on her was becoming more and more obvious. God she hoped she would be able to get through these next few months without doing something stupid that would destroy the only thing she could probably expect from lauren.

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