Chapter 13

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~*I dont own anything, everything converted to camren*~

"Austin..." A red haired girl moaned as she wrapped her arms around the man who was laying on top of her.

The boy seemed to shake a bit before falling on top of the girl clearly worn out.

"Austin, that was amazing.." The girl whispered into his ear.

The boy didn't say anything as he removed himself from the girl and got off the bed. "Solidad, we can't keep doing this..."

The girl now revealed to be Solidad frowned. "You can't say that after the fact austin...I'm going off to college soon don't you want to spend as much time with me as possible?"

It was true Solidad was a senior who was about to graduate this year. She had enrolled in summer classes in LaRousse University, the same school austin wanted to get into. Because of the classes she would be leaving right when the school year ended in a week.

Austin sighed it was true. "I know, but..This is wrong to do to camila."

"It's kind of late to think that now...We've been messing around for almost a year now austin, what's the point of getting a guilty conscience now?"

Austin wiped a bit of hair out of his eyes. This had all started once it became obvious that camila wasn't ready for a sexual relationship. Neither him nor Solidad had any desire for a relationship. They just wanted the physical pleasure.

He closed his eyes as he thought about yesterday. This was probably another reason as to why he had been blind to their relationship falling apart. "I know...But I think we should stop doing this Solidad..I really do love camila, I think it's time I start being patient."

Solidad sighed. "Can't you change after I leave austin? What's the harm in messing around for another week?"

She did have a point. In a week she would be gone. Why risk making her mad by ending the relationship early when he could let it die out naturally.

"I suppose your right.." austin muttered before he felt a pair of arms grab him and pull him back into the bed.

"Good...Now stop acting like such a girl and show me how much of a man you are." Solidad whispered into his ear seductively ready for a second round.


"Lauren...Did you really run all of this?" Camila muttered as she wiped a bit of sweat off her forehead. She had told her father that they were walking to go get lauren's books, and surprisingly he had voiced little opinion about it. He really did like lauren apparently.

"Come on camz, we're almost there..." lauren said. She was beginning to feel a bit nervous. She was sure that camila had to have noticed that the area that they were in.

Luckily for lauren, camila hadn't realized it as she was to busy complaining about how tired she was to really care about the area. They had been walking for almost two hours.


Camila jumped instantly and grabbed lauren's arm as the gunshot rang throughout the area.

"Lauren where are we?!" Camila questioned as she finally looked around the area, it was extremely shady.

Lauren didn't answer her question as she grabbed her hand. "Come on..We have to hurry and get to my house..It's dangerous out here."

Camila's heart was pounding she had never heard a real gunshot before and lauren was acting like it was a normal occurrence. "Lauren...I'm scared.." camila said as another gunshot rang through out the air.

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