Chapter 8

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~*I dont own anything, everything converted to camren*~

Camila come on...You've been ignoring me for almost three days...Don't you think we should make up now..." austin begged as he followed his girlfriend through the school's cafe.

Camila didn't say a word as she continued walking trying to locate normani. It was Friday, a whole 3 days had passed since austin had informed her about being replaced. At first she intended to talk to austin about the situation, but the more she thought about it the angrier it made her thus leading her to give her boyfriend the silent treatment for the last few days.

"I understand your mad camila, but please..I did it because it's the best thing for the play. It isn't anything personal." Austin tried to justify his actions as he continued following camila.

Camila's anger rose a bit at those words. "It's always about the play AUSTIN! When will it be about me?!" She finally snapped as she turned around to face the boy who was clearly caught off guard.

"Camila. I love you! You know that, but I have to make sure every play is as perfect as possible! The college that I plan to attend after senior year is finally taking me seriously. If I blow this chance I might never get the opportunity again." Austin explained happy that camila was finally letting him explain himself.

The brown eyed girl briefly loss a bit of anger, but it quickly returned. "I get that austin, but still being obsessed and treating the people who care the most about you badly isn't a way to reach your goals!"

Austin frowned. "I know..I'm sorry camila... I wasn't thinking about how it would make you feel...I just figured you wouldn't mind to be honest during our last practice you didn't seem into it and hell ever since you've been replaced you haven't even shown up..." he began.

He did have a point there the past week her mind had been completely on lauren. as much as she didn't want to admit it. She had been continuing her math lessons and swimming lessons everyday for the past three days while skipping practice wanting to avoid austin. The times she was with lauren were really the only times she wasn't focused on being angry at her boyfriend.

"Listen camila. During senior year I promise we will star in a production together. As long as you promise to put your all into it." Austin tried to compromise.

Camila hesitated for a few seconds before responding. "I'm not mad because you took me out of the play austin. I'm mad because it seems like you always prioritize the play over me...It hurts..." she admitted a few tears managing to come out.

Unknown to the couple they were completely visible from the table where lauren, dinah, and the rest of the basketball team were sitting.

"Feeling a little jealous lauser?" Dinah teased as she knocked lauren against the shoulder. "Seeing her cry over another dude."

Lauren made a sound as she continued eating. "We're just friends dinah. Why would I care if shes crying over him" she finally replied as she lifted her water bottle to take a sip.

Dinah laughed at lauren's reply

"You have a thing for Camila?" Hailee said joining the conversation taking interest in it considering lauren never showed interest in any girls.

"Hell yeah she does hailee. You should see them in my pool every day." Dinah answered for lauren causing the green eyed girl to groan.. Didn't dinah remember it was suppose to be a secret.

Hailee rose an eyebrow at this. "You guys hang out at dinah's pool? Is her boyfriend cool with that?" She questioned with a knowing smirk.

"Don't let Dj put any weird ideas in your head...She's just tutoring me for my math final..We're friends that's it and I have no feelings for her." Lauren finally said wanting to make it perfectly clear.

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